
Started by Retto, November 01, 2004, 08:21:17 PM

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 Trolls pwn? I prefer gnome, but if you insist.

If you like Troll so much use Filtcheye or Lizard in RWl, their pretty much the same.
Current Empires:

RtR: Juskabally #19

Peace Alliance

 some games, like qmt, have balenced races because there are only minor differences between them. since the basic purpose of balencing is so that you can play any race, and still succeed, then making the differences minor between races easily achienves that. thats what we'd be doing if we retourn to era 1 races.

but i think that the expansion of the races, that people have done with the special abilitys is actually a good thing. it makes it harder to balence, but its more fun and adds more depth to the game.

so thats why i think what RWL should be doing is balencing the races so that we can have any race, each with a dramatic difference, and yet still have an equal chance of winning... and i agree, thats no easy task.

i really like kilks idea of making it so when you pressgang you convert workers to military. i think encouraging the use of tents and citys is important because their useless atm. so this would not only encourage that, but it would make it so that if you want to make a huge amount of military, you need to have lots of land to make lots of workers, and thus reolisticly, you deserve the power that your gaining with the pressgangs. its brilliant and yet simple.


 Workers to militarty when you pressgang and corsair sounds super cool.


 I'm thinking that as your ratio of Leader/Huts increases, you get different ratios of results from pressgangs. So, you get the most weasels with maybe 150 leaders/hut, and the most rats with 180 leaders/hut, and the most stoats with 130 leaders/hut.
The 'ittle otter,


Quote from: RettoI'm thinking that as your ratio of Leader/Huts increases, you get different ratios of results from pressgangs. So, you get the most weasels with maybe 150 leaders/hut, and the most rats with 180 leaders/hut, and the most stoats with 130 leaders/hut.
if that's the only change... well... would you be getting MORE of each that those ratios than you do now with it balanced. That would make stoats much more preferred. Weasels should be the lowest imho if you do that.


 Ooh, I just though that making camps and workers important to pressganging would increase city use as well.


 The current new formula for pressgang is


Production multipliers are 1.2 for rats, .6 for weasels, .3 for stoats and .2 for skiffs.
Size bonus is an increasing (from .5 to 1.5) number based on your networth.
The 'ittle otter,


 i dont know what youre trying to do
all that does is make it never go more than 0.8 (or in other words rounded to 0)


 This is very confusing, I know.

You can rewrite min(0.8,(Huts/Land)*(Huts/Land)/(SizeBonus*SizeBonus)*sqrt(Leaders/(1+Huts*175))*sqrt(sqrt(Leaders/(1+Workers)/10)))*Workers*(ProductionMultiplier/0.2)

So, Sh0e, no, you're wrong. It will never get more than 80% of your Workers*(ProductionMultiplier/0.2).
The 'ittle otter,