
Started by Darth Sidious, March 16, 2004, 02:58:26 PM

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Larrusus Deathspear

 As one of the disbled warlords, I'd like to say something. Every single person in clan Wildwood goes to the same school, and ever 2nd morning we go into the science classroom and check in our accounts, I found out recently that Spencer had two accounts last era becuase someone hijacked one and trashed it, but I know for a fact he has had only one this quarter, i'm guessing that Alex has told Spencer his password so spencer can check it cuz Aol blocks RWL at Alex's house, so Wildwood is wrong and spencer wasn't multi'ing and this was probably all caused by the other Alex trying to get wildwood in trouble by making an accusation of cheating on the IG message system. We arent cheaters!
Jesus Is a LIE
One of my classmates remarked that I "emanate evil"
MY science teahcer thinks i'm a muslim extremist
The mormons came to my house and I told them I worship satan
My neighbour think that I perform evil rituals on my porch when i burn candles
maybe I should run for president......

Regular Era 2
#391 Slasssk Troopers
Regular Era 3
#92   Slazzar Ectalask
#214  Slasssk Troopers
Regular Era 4
#37    Slasssk troopers

The Weasel Liberation Mov

Quote from: Ashyra Nightwinghmm.. did Josh actually have multis, or did he just hack into a couple of accounts when he was Emperor? I can't remember.
I believe Josh multied. I wasn't around then, so I can't tell you.
Highest rank on Regular: 1st
Highest rank on Turbo: 9th

Trogdor 22

Quote from: Larrusus DeathspearAs one of the disbled warlords, I'd like to say something. Every single person in clan Wildwood goes to the same school, and ever 2nd morning we go into the science classroom and check in our accounts, I found out recently that Spencer had two accounts last era becuase someone hijacked one and trashed it, but I know for a fact he has had only one this quarter, i'm guessing that Alex has told Spencer his password so spencer can check it cuz Aol blocks RWL at Alex's house, so Wildwood is wrong and spencer wasn't multi'ing and this was probably all caused by the other Alex trying to get wildwood in trouble by making an accusation of cheating on the IG message system. We arent cheaters!
I sincerley thought that Wildwood was multi accounting, I wouldn't try to get myu friends disabled.
Hooray for Santa!
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 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Alex you would disable half the people in the game if you had the chance.  And I am NOT multi accounting.  My sisters play too, and I do NOT play for them.
Apparently people are getting angry at me for having too long of a sig. when all you have to do is press three buttons to not veiw someone else's sig. if you do not want to see it so I no longer have one *grumble* lazy people *grumble*.  Whew! Run on sentence.

Oh big fish I took out the pictures.  Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

Lol big fish is the word for cr.p
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Trogdor 22

 Seeing as how the only people posting in this thread now are either disabled or friends of the disabled, I suggest we stop argueing in the forums and use the in game system now. I don't think anybody could care less about this.
Hooray for Santa!
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The Emperor

 Multi accounts occur in every type of promisance games. Some games have 40 multi accounts, some have 3. Some even allow it. I say that if you need to multi, no matter how good you may be (*cough*josh*cough*), than you aren't worthy to be shown amongst the ranks of your fellow hordes.
Feel the wrath of the Emperor!

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