Your new Emperor.

Started by Vengerak, February 07, 2003, 09:50:13 AM

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 It also works out that he just got back in First with 19 attacks, and only 17 successful. So  ur name should be Raine The Short,
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 Heh, yeah. Well, I always thought that it'd go this way, but I got my screenshot.

A short, brutal reign with a violent end. Not what I'd been hoping for, but in the face of a reset, with all my hard ''work'' about to get flushed down the toilet irretrievably...well, I don't think you'd begrudge me a last, final act of defiance/stupidity. I was never PROPERLY equipped to fight this ''war''.

I guess I'll be taking the death rather than the glory. ^_^


 Retto took 200-something thousand or so. So you got way more as far as I can tell. Congrats, for your short but slightly memorable thing.

But Josh is still a great emperor.

On a completely unrelated note...maybe I don't spam as much as Beatles. :P At least his are partially funny yet pointless.


 Yeah, Josh is cool. I think he's pretty pissed off at me, but, eh. I've given him my reasons & I've said that I'm sorry. He should come around. He's a good guy.


 I think he got banned from the forums. Either that or...that.


 meh....GJ.... Hacker took 150 mill nw + you got 20 some million rats from retto, right?
You didn't get there on your own, Jack.
You're forgiven...I guess.
No alliance for awhile in the new game.