Potential RedCon 06 activities

Started by Scarwake, November 05, 2003, 09:28:26 PM

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 Wow... my wack-a-stoat idea was taken seriously!  *Laughs*

As for monopoly, if I am going to pay goodness knows what to get to this convention, will I want to sit around for four hours playing monopoly?  I think not.  But that is just me.

Also, as for the sports things... meh.  Me no likey sports.

Do I have anything helpful or constructive to add at this moment?
Not really.
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


 Well, since DDR is about to become an official sport, we could set up a PS2 and a pad and let people dance their way into sport fame.
"Like a song,
Out of tune and out of time,
All I needed was a rhyme for you.
C'est la vie."
~C'est la vie, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer

~Assisstant to RFF, Rubinsky's Renegades (#15)


 That's not really medievilish though....Unless that game suddenly has some celtic music to dance to or something....

*thinks* Though, now that I start thinking properly it prolly does.....
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 But where would one get a large enough screen for a big game of DDR to be viable?

Kamikaze Badger

 It would be costly, but they do make equipment that you can hook stuff up to and then project it onto a large screen. So that would be one way to do it. Otherwise, start buying TV's.


 Okay, I doubt DDR will make it to RedCon, but if you are looking for a way to create a big screen the best way is to use a projector. Having said that, projectors are pretty expensive, so that doesn't really help much. We still have budget and business plan to work out, so if the other Directors see this, we are going to have another chat conversation soon talking only about those two things. (Only for Directors, as I cannot see anyone else turning up to the chat anyway).
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ash nazg thrakatul?k, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul"

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 You know, I was HIHGLY impressed with TJ's posts back on page 2 or whatever. Very realistic.
I will not deleted this


 And which post of mine would that be??? I counted like 4 or 5 posts of mine on that page.

Btw, the list of activities has been updated and re-organized.
Activities are now catergorized according to whether or not they are Con Related or Non Con Related(sports).
Any further questions or such can be sent to any RedCon Staff member, including myself(VIA email, msn, yim, aim, phone*if you know my number*)
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I will not deleted this


 If we need a projector for something, my mom has this small cool one that hooks up to a computer that we could use.
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


 Hmmm....that's spiffy Calan.....It doesn't just hook up to a computer does it? Can hook up to other things as well, no?
Member of the ROC: 03/14/2000
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 *Shrug* I suppose it can, we havn't tried it on other things though.

Actually, I think we did connect it to the portible DVD player thing once.  I don't remember though.

"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin