
Started by alacazar, January 26, 2004, 09:31:25 PM

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 timber rising commander of the paladins blade aliance has been destroyed for commiting teh drame of defending himself   1 attack for 1 attack against DRE  and the BLO clan

IM not paticularly upset,  but i am requesting of any alies to try to return the favor as it is 3 days befor reset  but it is not requied by any means

Ill be back next round


Peace Alliance

 I'd help you... but i'm still a lil bitter, hehe


 DRE has continued his vendeta,    im guessing killing the guy who had enough nerve to attack him as brutaly as he attacked that person isnt enough,  he has set himself on killing all PAL members,         after what whos next  pals alies Koww,   then who?   im guessing befor reset if he isnt stoped and if the reset is late agian ther are going to be a lot of graves



 Kudoes to KOWW    40,000 land to dead   dre is gone  


 Ah but as of now, the nasty little villian is no more, Allies have risen up, and smacked his little bottom.   :lol:
There is only time left to tell, who is to fall next by the hands of his clan mates, and that of allies of his choosing.
But to what end? What do the allies of this morning's massacre have to say to the ones left behind...

Bring it on !   :ph34r:  

Cheeres..  (<>..<>)



 Yep  my thanks to my alies.    I know the cmmanding levels of KOWW tried everything to not be involved, but in the end were not given much of a choice.  eather way Im in aw of how fast that clan moves when it needs to
