Best new player?

Started by Peace Alliance, January 14, 2004, 09:45:36 PM

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 Goes to show that Sparticus is a good player... :rolleyes:  


 Mice is not bad, he does seem to stay in the top 10 most of the time..  There are alot of other good players here, like A Free Umbrella, he is pretty nice, and seems to know alot more than i.. " which is prob why i pick his brain alot..  thx..  :D

Then there are the new ones, who just started this turn. who seem to have gotten the attention of some of the older or more experienced members..  Not to mention any names or nothing... ahem...retto...cough, cough.... lol

But for a newbie, i don't seem to be doing so bad..  I will not get in the top ten this month, or even live much after tonight, since the bounty put out on my head may or may not still be worth the 7 billion that was offered.. " makes me feel all tingle inside, that does..   :blink:   :lol:   ;)

But back the initial post, the guys i talk to and play with all seem pretty kewl..  And i wish all of you the best, no matter what server you play with..    B)  


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