Legends / XML / Lite Links

Started by Retto, April 17, 2004, 05:26:40 PM

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Quote from: sh0e
Quote from: Veranor
Quote from: sh0every cool.. now its easier to brag about lmao

sorry about being nitpicky.. but for top 40 ever wouldnt it be more accurate to say top 40 turbo scores?
and omg is that 62 billion nw for real?

oh and uh.. were the old turbos different in time length? (someone just informed me)
i think that ranked nw like this should be divided by a time factor if its different..
i mean if its like 3 months long vs a month long one.. its really not a fair comparison
I think for all subsequent ones you should either do it by length of season or turn usage. Ranked by net/turnsused. It'd allow some regular hordes to get in.
i dont think basing it on turn usage is a good idea
Yes but good luck trying to mix ranking normal and turbo. You'd have to know: length of season, turns per set, how many sets every x minutes, any other restrictions.... turns used is the best way to do this in a fair way, and also truly proves who was the best even if they signed up fairly late. Afterall if you got 2nd place in turbo one day after signing up, you are fairly good, but such a feat on regular would be insane.
# rovl.org


 actually i dont think they plan on mixing reg/turbo in the ranking
they do after all have an xml output version of the reg scoreboard
and to my understanding reg is extremely long lasting

anyhow turns are a really bad indicator of a persons involvement
vacationing.. waiting out turns.. and people who enter at different times
using turns just isnt a fair way of ranking


Quote from: sh0eactually i dont think they plan on mixing reg/turbo in the ranking
they do after all have an xml output version of the reg scoreboard
and to my understanding reg is extremely long lasting

anyhow turns are a really bad indicator of a persons involvement
vacationing.. waiting out turns.. and people who enter at different times
using turns just isnt a fair way of ranking
I thought for the TOP 40 OF ALL TIME *insert loud thunder and crashing noises* it would include both types. (Also, assuming they weren't, lengths are different. Also are the tpm different in certain seasons as well?)

Also, I believe it does show more indication of a person's skill (and that is what we're measuring, correct?). If you enter later in the season and still manage to top the emperor, you must be a decent player. It also shows that those who started from the very beginning, and went up and down and up and down and did not effectively use their turns, may not be the very best players ever.
# rovl.org


 you cant compare regular and turbo.. they are completely different
im pretty sure everyone can vouch for that

turns are not a good indicator of skill
someone could spend the entire season trying to keep alive and hording in preparation for their nw pump
while someone else could sneak in near the end when everyone is trying to keep their nw pumped for immortalized
and then theres the biggest flaw in use of turns to judge skill.. the ability to go into vacation

all in all the point of turbo and immortalized is that your ranks/scores in the beginning/middle/end regardless do not matter..
its your ability to pull a fast one at the end and make the top 10 spot.. thats where all the competition is

my problem with the legends is that longer turbo seasons are obviously heavily skewed in comparison to shorter ones
theres more time to stash and horde.. more time for land farms
this is clearly shown by the fact that the 62 billion nw guy has a ridiculous amount of land

but perhaps wanting to change that is being way too competitive
the legends is just for fun to show some of the old times (i think)

unfortunately this makes the legends something really not worth bragging about
and more of a silly little feature thats there just for show