New method of attacking in Expansion

Started by General Austin, October 29, 2003, 08:44:41 AM

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General Austin

 Okay, thanks Retto for the big help file, but I dn't quite undertand the 4 groups with which you atack, and the whole layout thingy. Could anybeast elp me by explaining it in layman's terms?
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

wolf bite

 Don?t feel bad Aus, I had a hard time understanding it to, but then there was not the help file up yet at the time.

I am going to try to put it in other words, so it this confuses anyone more, then go back to what you already know.

What it will do is to split everything into 4 groups.  So lets do an easy one.  You have 1 million rats.  We take those and split them into 4 groups so you have 4 armies of 250,000 that are attacking.  The enemy had 1 million rats, we also split those into groups,  so they have 250,000 in each group.  They also have 4,000 towers, we split those in 4 groups, so 1,000 towers each.   Now, each of your 4 armies attack his/her land from all four side of his land.  So from the north you have 250,000 armies marching against 250,000 armies of his and he has 1,000 towers also defending the north.  At the same time all four sides are attacked. Each side either wins or losses, if you win you get land, if you lose VERY badly, you could actually lose land to your enemy.  (Although it is a bit more, a fast way to look at VERY badly in the examples below is enemies DP is 2 times your OP). So above, it would be the same as in the old game because it is evenly split.  

250,000 rats X 2 = 500,000 OP vs. (250,000 rats X 1 = 250,000) + (1,000 towers X 500 = 500,000) = 750,000 DP.  You lost in each of the 4 groups.  But not so bad that you would have lost land.

This would be the same as the old way of playing:
1,000,000 rats X 2 = 2,000,000 vs. (1,000,000 rats X 1 = 1,000,000) + 4,000 towers X 500 = 2,000,000) = 3,000,000 DP.  You lost the old style too.

So if you only check the type of attack and don?t mess with any of the other stuff, the attack will be the exact same as the old way.

Now lets get tricky.  Lets say you have no rats but 500,000 stoats.  Your stoats will be split into 4 groups that will attack all 4 sides of his castle.  But you want more of your stoats to attack a few sides.  So you click standard attack, and send everything.  Then you can fill in the % of your armies coming from each side.  70% from the north, 10 % from each of the other sides. You can set the % (Make sure you put the ?%? after the number) of the stoats you want to send in each group.

Now you have 70 % of your stoats attack ? of his rats and towers and 3 groups of  10% against ? of his rats and towers.

His DP in each group will be 750,000.
You will have 70% of your armies in group 1 and that would win, but group 2, 3, and 4 would most likely lose badly and could cost you some land. Just hope you made more land in group one then you lost in the other groups.

Now, to get even trickier
Same as above but this time you ?trick? your enemy which sides of his castle he puts him/her army.  You set  group 1 to "attack", group 2 and group 3 to "skiffs", and group 4 to "Rats".

Lets look at what happened.
Group 1:   70% (350,000) of your stoats (1,750,000 OP) attack 25% of his rats (250,000 DP) and towers 500,000 DP). You win land.
Group 2:   10% (50,000) of your stoats (250,000 OP) attack his skiffs (= 0) and his towers (500,000 DP). You lost but did not lose land.
Group 3:   10% (50,000) of your stoats (250,000 OP) attack his skiffs (= 0) and his towers (500,000 DP). You lost but did not lose land.
Group 4:   10% (50,000) of your stoats (250,000 OP) attack his 75% rats (750,000 DP) and towers (500,000 DP).  You lost and lost land.

Now lets go back to the first example with you both having even rats and him having towers.  You attack with guerrilla attack, 0% of your rats attack him/her under "attack", 33%, 33%, and 34% of your rats attack his "skiffs".

Group 1: No rats attack all his/her rats and 25% of his towers,  you lose land
Group 2: 330,000 rats (660,000 OP) attack his skiffs (= 0) and 25% of his towers (500,000 DP), you win land.
Group 3: 330,000 rats (660,000 OP) attack his skiffs (= 0) and 25% of his towers (500,000 DP), you win land.
Group 4: 340,000 rats (680,000 OP) attack his skiffs (= 0) and 25% of his towers (500,000 DP), you win land.

As you can see, when not using the settings above (as in the first example), you would have lost your fight, but this way at least you made about half the land from attacking him.

A few tips.  Make sure that if using standard attack that in some way all of his armies are addressed, the easiest way is to be sure at least on of his settings is ?Attack.?  Be sure to put the ?%? after the percent of armies you want to attack with or you would only have that number attack not the percent of all your armies.  Try to be sure you win in at least 2 groups or you could lose more land they you get.  Losing land and gaining it back could leave you with land that you once had now having no buildings on it.  If you don?t have good intelligence on the enemy, don?t play with the settings for you could lose more then you get.

Thus, by placing your good armies against his weak armies, you could win land in 3 groups and lose land in one.  This is better then losing in all groups.  There will be a lot of strategy you can use with this.  You can have 0 % of your army fight the rats he is massing and the rest going over his towers in the other 3 groups.

(I look at the class and see everyone?s eyes wide open in confusion)

Hey Retto, how about changing ?groups? to North, East West and South?

Wolf Bite

Edit:  I fixed and added some more math to the above, so if you read it, you may want to check it over again.  
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 *plays around with it in Turbo*

You know, this is kind of cool... it's almost like you can espionage their troops out...

Ashyra Nightwing

 Erch. This looks complicated... I don't know if skiff-massing is going to work..

wolf bite

 If you only ckick "send everything" and the type of attack, and the person, it is the same as the old way.  Only diferance is that a wise person cam break people (given they will get less land) even if the person is much bigger.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Ashyra Nightwing

 Heh. That's good... I've always sent everything when I attack, so it won't be any different for me...

Peace Alliance

 Sounds like this makes towers the most efficient method of defense. Seing as how somebody can easily trick your military to one spot and attack from the other side, as long as you have a ton of towers you should be fine.

Or, a well rounded military would work. If the opponent had had a lot of skiffs too, they probably would have been more likely to be able to defend.

Ashyra Nightwing

 Erk... I can't defend. I've never been able to... but I can definitely attack..hehe..

wolf bite

 I made this topic alive again because of recent questions about BAX attacking.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles