
Started by bjornredtail, November 16, 2003, 01:03:38 PM

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 This topic was locked for flameing. I could see one post that could be concidred a flame. There is still discussion that needs to be resolved in that topic. It will not go away if the admins attempt to sweep it under the rug. I request that this topic be unlocked to allow further discussion.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

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Well, since I despise stupidity I think I'll pick apart some of the stuff Cindarin said in here.

Must I read your incoherent post Ocrist?

This is the first line of the opening paragraph.  Let's look at paragraph two, & see just who it is that's incoherent.

Ocrist, has it ever donned on you or anyone else here for that matter, that maybe they have come to realize that there is mroe to life then being on here 24/7? Or that they have outgrown this game and come to a higher level of maturity? Of course YOU haven't because you still have the intelligance of a twelve year old.

#1.) "Ocrist".  Who?

#2.) "Has is ever donned on you".  Dawned on.

#3.) "or anyone else for that matter,"  The comma's redundant & the actual words are pointless, as there is no run-on later in the post.

#4.) "that there is mroe to life".  That there is what tp life?

#5.) "than being on here 24/7?".  Absolutely nothing to do with the topic, what anyone has said later on in the topic, or anything even remotely hinted at in Orcrist's post.

#6.) "Or that they have outgrown this game and come to a higher level of maturity?".  *Snort*  What, like you?  Again, nothing to do with anything.  Also, if you've outgrown the game, then you have no reason to be here.  This isn't a part of the discussion, anyway.

#7.) "Of course YOU haven't". Haven't what? You were asking if it had "donned" on people that blah blah blah, not asking Orcrist if he'd done something.

#8.) "because you still have the intelligance of a twelve year old".  What, pray tell, is "intelligance"?

There's more, but it'd take too long to go through it all.

The defence rests.


Oh, & in regard to the actual point of THIS topic, geez, Teufel... Yet more overzelous moderating.

People can survive a little lively debate. Even if it isn't totally friendly. There was little (& by that I mean nothing) in the way of REAL flaming in there, & none of the injured parties were actually complaining. They were sucking it up. In fact, everyone in that particular discussion actually ADVOCATED people sucking it up. As for being crude...well, you're just wrong. Wrongwrongwrong. A shiny new donkey to anyone who can find me something in there that's crude. Crude is a term used when someone is making references to sexual organs or excretery functions, that kind've thing.

Things got no-more violent in there than somone being told they had the intelligence of a 12-year-old. Uh, *GASP*.


If those third parties that are of a weak constitution don't like that sort of thing, then they just don't get involved. In all likelihood that's what they were doing, as I saw no-one in there getting upset. Shouldn't you wait until someone CARES before deciding for them that it's time to stop?

[Merging a double post in a friendly, non-overzealous way.]