Started by Kilkenne, November 10, 2003, 09:18:28 PM

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 I agree with what you have to say Kilk.  However, you should respect other members on here.  And to put it in simple terms for you.  You are being selfish, crude and in all aspects pathetic.  Really, by the looks of it the only reason that you have even started this topic was so that you coul 'flame' as you would put it, everyone on the forums in an attempt to not be gagged again.

RESPECT - If you do not understand the word then you should not even be here.  If everyone would have respect for everyone else you wouldn't even need rules now would you?  Just look at it.  No one would make fun of anyone else, no one would get angry and start 'flaming' people.  Therefore making this a far better place.

THIS TOPIC - Mostly a load of bull.  Sure I can agree with the post count and the charter, however you know as well as I do that if  the charter is created someone will get mad and "stick up" for themselves as you would put it, and guess what!? Bam there gone because they broke a rule!  All you would be doing is taking away the powers of the admins, placing it in all the members hands.  That wouldn't be fun for anyone now would it?

COMPLAINING - As far as you and everyone else complaining goes, the only reason you're doing it is because YOU broke the rules.  The only reason you want a charter is so that you can have YOUR rules and punish people for breaking them.  Beside you don't need new rules, you just need people to follow them and the admins to 'lighten up' a bit.  Oh an Kilk, next time you are angry with the admins you should take it up them instead of waisting our time and putting everyone else down.

Just for the record, I wrote this post knowing the consequences in doing so.  I also know it took me a while to write this post because I do not have the freedom of speech, but you know what!? I DON'T CARE!

And Kilk, suck it up and take it like a man.  Not like a twelve year old with ADD. I'm sick of you guys complaining about the stupid banner.  Give it up already!
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

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 Cindarin- Kilk is not full of bull....[You Are Full of Bull]!!! I will now counter all of your points in your last post...

Your first paragraph complains that Kilk is being selfish and crude. Now, explain to me how Kilk states that this forum is a mess is being selfish. Also, people like you, have completely exaggerated the word "flame" and take offence at the slightest prod or joke. Actually "flaming" someone occurs when one insults someone, personally attacking them viciously with extremely vulgar language, not just any insult.

Next- I'll try to make this short, but there is no rule that everyone must have respect for each other on the forums. For instance, after reading your post, and you can quote me on this, I have no respect for you. If you stopped making crappy excuses for flaming people, THEN this forum would be a better place. You're completely wrong about respect. Early on, no one had respect for each other, and debates raged, with people backstabbing and overthrowing each other all the time. It was a great place without respect.

On this topic, if you think it's bull, then don't post here. Your post is what's full of bull, not this topic. The whole point of the member-drawn charter is that people won't HAVE to stick up for themselves, thus making the job for the admins easier and the experience for everyone in the forum better. There is no power transfer going on here.

On complaining: [Kilk Did Not Break the Rules. That's Why He Was Mad At The Whole Gagging Thing. Stop Being [edited] And Say Things That Are True]. Kilk is not asking the admins to lighten up or people to follow his rules. He is trying to keep the forums together before the great veterans are driven away, leaving stupid newbies. He mentions the admins because he wants everyone to know. Believe me, Kilk's smart enough that if he really has a problem with the admins, he'd talk to them about it.

In conclusion, it is not Kilk but YOU who are complaining. YOU take this post like a man. I can almost guarantee that you will complain because I am confronting you on this. Kilk wasn't complaining about the banner- he liked it: it was the admins who disliked and then banned the banner. Once again, get your information right before you post it. Kilk will not ever give it up. Instead, how about YOU give it up? You say you don't care about consequences, but I've been here so long, that they are nonexistent to me. I understand by posting this I could be gagged, banned, etc. Well, to my friends, I care, but for people like you, Cindarin, I don't.

[edited: Please, no all caps and no calling people names. Thanks.]

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

The Lady Shael

 *looks on sadly* This post started out as an attempt to stop heated arguments between members, and yet here it is...

Orcrist, Cindarin, both of you, chill. This isn't a warning.

*quietly* If any of you are attacking Kilk because of his assumed blame on admins, or lack of respect for other members, I'd like to mention that I support him. If he believes this member-made charter will work, so be it.

It's true he hasn't been the most civil member on these forums lately, but then, who has? Everyone's done their share of grumbling.  
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 I guess nobody really does care about my opinions/feelings.

Kilk just makes me depressed.

Argue about it.


 Must I read your incoherent post Ocrist?  You see, unlike you, it is very easy for me to just look at the name of the person who posted and to myself, ?Nope don?t need to read that pile of bull.  For another point, if it weren?t for the ?flaming? / ?swearing? rules.  I would be burning you so badly that you would be crying to your parents to TRY and make me stop.  Also it wouldn?t take me much to have over seventeen people coming in here and making you cry every time you open a topic.

Ocrist, has it ever donned on you or anyone else here for that matter, that maybe they have come to realize that there is mroe to life then being on here 24/7? Or that they have outgrown this game and come to a higher level of maturity? Of course YOU haven't because you still have the intelligance of a twelve year old.

Another note: I am glad you don?t care about people like me.  Reason being, I don?t care about anyone I can?t meet in flesh and blood (a few exceptions), and I certainly don?t care about people who like to banter on and on about making rules that they could punish people for breaking when they break the rules we currently have.  So with that said and all due respect.  Shut your mouth, take your hand off of that thing you call manhood, and get a REAL EDUCATION!

I apologies to the admins for my rude behavior, but currently I am enraged beyond comprehension and if anyone has a problem with that they can drive on over to Ottawa and settle it once and for all.  If anyone wants to know why I am angry; you can shove it where the sun don?t shine.
"Without love life has no meaning." - Joseph Nicholas

"Looks are just an added bonus." - Joseph Nicholas

"Meine Liebe, Mein Leben, Meine Welt." - Joseph Nicholas

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 Enough. If you want to argue, be crude, flame, etc., do it over PMs or AIM. This is a warning, and this topic is closed. End of discussion.
"Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace, The soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things." - A. Earhart