Started by General Austin, November 05, 2003, 08:55:59 AM

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General Austin

 Ehh. I come back from vacation to find that we're at war with both Blades and TSC. I take TSC off because I had thought we were at peace and someone stuck them on war for land purposes. Blades hits us, we hit back, then one days I log on to find that almost my entire clan had been killed off by TSC. They did not even message me saying they had declared war, although a week or two ago they had messaged me asking for an alliance, which I had refused politely, asking instead for no war but no alliance. I understand this had happened in a different form before. So, to be official, I declare war on TSC and ask for peace with the clan of Blades, for I know not why we're even at war at all.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Sun Jian

 Don't even play with that one!!! :angry:  Some of your players filled the top 5 and dropped my whole clan!!!!!!!I asked someone why and they said because they were at war with us! I never wanted to start a war between us,but one of your members (I don't remember which) said that your clan was at war with us,so I change my relations to war as well,and a bunch of other players killed magician apprentice after they nailed the rest of the clan!I got on around 3:00 everyday,got up a few ranks...Then the next day I would be attacked by YOUR clan at least 20 times!So one of your members told me you set my clan to war,I did likewise,and we killed a member and dropped a bunch,now your saying we are bloodthirsty?Whoa....OK then.
Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.


 All I gotta say is that it's time for a little revenge.

"We will win the war...it is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

Mikalae Gildar

 I second the motion. ::agrees::  ::agrees::  ::agrees::  
"A true victory is to make your enemy see they were wrong to oppose you in the first place, to force them to acknowledge your greatness."

"Then you kill them?"

"...Only if it's necessary."

--Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, "Sacrifice of Angels"

General Austin

 OY! I never declared war on you, Sun Jian. I was on vacation, remember? Even so, you should have messaged me asking why Company was at war, and then we could have come to a conclusion. But now, it's total war. I have killed your assistant Commandeur, Mimosa's Grove Commanders, #11, to prove that Company is a worthy foe. I now offer a peace treaty as to prevent further bloodshed. It's now your choice. Either continue this senseless war, or become at peace.

~Sir John Fastolf
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 And if you guys dont agree to the treaty, Mimosa's Grove Commanders wont be the only one, thats one thing we are certian of.

~Ferret Fighters
My siggy died :(

Badrang the Tyrant

 I really don't want war with Company.  I have some good friends in there, or people I'd like to be friends with.  I never knew Holby was Magician, I thought he was Mr. Bigglesworth.  And Company has proven that they are a worthy opponent to me at least.  

And if people don't stop making idle threats, then Holby won't be the only one killed from Company either.... ;)  

General Austin

 They're not idle, as you can see from #11. We WILL try not to be arrogant, if that's what you mean.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Badrang the Tyrant

 I was talking about Ferret Fighters.  I haven't seen him on the score board in awhile, but he's making threats...


 I know who he is :ph34r:  

Sun Jian

 I don't have a say in this matter Austin. My brother is (as you know,Commanders) and is much bigger than me.... 7 years older..... It's a forcive matter.... I don't have a say in our relations with out his veto, and he wants to kill,Shogun... Shut your mouth!! Now back to this... I don't have say in all of this....  I can't say what we do,I basically do what he says <_<  <_<  I HAVE TO.NO. I don't want war with you. I don't want war with anyone!

Sun Jian

P.S Shogun.....Watch it.
Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.

Badrang the Tyrant

 Sun Jian, you said the same thing to the same person twice.  I think he got it the first time...

Sun Jian

 Oops... My bad... Hes right... Don't go gettin all bent outta shape now.


cut it


Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.

Badrang the Tyrant

 If you are proclaiming that I was bent out of shape, you would have known.  I would have usen this: <_<

If I don't use a Smilie, then assume that I talk in a monotone... :sick: