The Paladins Return

Started by alacazar, November 05, 2003, 02:40:12 AM

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 Alas our time of this earth was short.   one and a half games and the paladins left this world for a time.    And we dont know what transpierd in those days.

But we return....

New nations have risen,   old nation grow weak, and darkness has once again fallen on the world.  

It is time once again for the paladins to rise and bring justice and honor back to this troubled land.

We shall uphold the banners of truth justice and honer.  we will fight for the rights of the weak.  We wil oppose the tide of darkenss once again.

Ive posted a copy of the clan rules here.   for anyone insterested in joining.  
pal is currently located on the regular server and will not be ported over to the turbo server this round
and finaly I lead but I also protect,  Any member of my clan who needs assistance will get what I can spare,  I will not send somone into battle without joining combat.  While Pal is most certanly not a clan for the weak of heart,  neather is it a clan for loaners,  as we are made strong by working together and using each others strenths to our advantage

alacazar of the timberwolves tribe

Clan Rules
First and formost the MOTD is classified and privalaged information do not leak it to other non clan people and especialy not to enemy clans.

Second we are the protectors of the realm. I dont mind if you attack someone a few time grabbing land, but wiping somone out for thier land is hardly protecting now is it ;)

Finaly please conduct yourselves with honor, Let both our alies and our enemys know us as honerable folk who are as good as our word. sometimes that alone can end more wars that the sword

Contact me (timberwolves tribe) if you have any problems or know of the few rules that I have blatently being broken and I will take steps to ensure everything is made right.

Oh yes, Have fun, this is a game after all ;)

good hunting alacazar

Ashyra Nightwing

*thinks back*
Ah, yes! That was my primary land source back in Era 2..


 I remember I went into that clan when I was under cover and left to join LL, then PAL got stomplified?. Then Empire came about, then Mordor, then...Yeah. PAL is a pretty solid clan though, as long as it doesn't get that Rough Riders *gentleman* again.




 LOL   I beleave he has,  

Ashyra Nightwing:  your right it was,         TO many noobs,    to hart to get off that rat kick of theirs esaly penatratable defences,    plus i dint try to hard t train them.      I think the bulk of the leadership you had a harder time getting lan from,  or ou were so powerful you lost troops every time you attacked ;)    not sure witch,  a different liftime      mistakes leard from :)

Kilkenne:  got stompified,  cmae back,  got stompified came back,   leader got assasinated,  came back,   at least we were stubborn and at times more than a little annoying.   I bleave our stronger members silently but bruttaly aided in mordors near destruction   im workign on making it an even more solid and stable clan this time.  


Badrang the Tyrant

 PAL was a pretty good clan with a lot of good members.  

Ashyra Nightwing

 Yes... for a time it was. And then there were many skiff-less newbies. And Ashyra became land-fat.

Badrang the Tyrant

 Heheehee!  Seeing Ashyra landfat is a once in a life-time opportunity...


 Lol- yes I remember PAL. They were valiant fighters, but every once in a while they bit off more than they could chew. Still, having been their ally and their enemy, and for a few days even being in the clan, I know them as very honorable players.

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant