He comes, he goes...

Started by Vengerak, November 04, 2003, 10:33:01 AM

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Ashyra Nightwing

 At the end of the First Age, Peace was a newbie in the mid-300s.. then he got into the top ten..


 You never retalled against me, Nick.  In fact I remember you being in cahoots with me on a couple've occasions.

I'm pretty sure Josh didn't hold onto first after reclaiming it, though.  Bogfoot snuck into first, if I remember correctly, & then I demolished him to take back first.  Then I razed all the acres I had taken & everyone in the top 3 or so was screwed.

I don't know what happened after the new Warlords went up & the Xepher one was still alive, but I hardly think it counts.  It was mostly Holby running rampant, if memory serves ^_^ .

caedo caelestis

 Well whatever happened it was fun.

Welcome back Ereptor and Raine.