A not so happy halloween.

Started by Peace Alliance, November 01, 2003, 10:31:20 PM

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Peace Alliance

 I found out today that last night John Smith, a young man who went to my school, died in a car crash near my house.

Along with the driver of the car, and his his other friend, he was drunk. His two friends were wearing seatbelts. He, however, opted not to. The car hit the ditch and crashed into a telephone pole. John's friends are in hospital with minor injurys, john is dead.

This will be a shock to my community, my entire school will be devistated. I am praying for the people who have to live with his death, and i would appreciate if you would too, if you like.

I'd also just like to point out that John's death can be a lesson to everyone. for 16 years, ever since he was born, he has been told never to drink and drive, and to always wear a seatbelt. But much like man other young men who have died tragicly, he decided to ignore 16 years of warning. I pray that his death will be a message to everyone.

caedo caelestis

 People aren't learning from mistakes only 2 weeks before.


'It's unbelievable that one mistake cost her her life,' teen's sister says

A 15-year-old Almonte girl is dead and her best friend injured after a car the teens were driving swerved off the road and hit a tree late Saturday night.

Lanark County OPP say Bryana McEwen, who did not have a driver's licence, was heading north from Carleton Place on Concession 7A near Highway 15 when she swerved to the left shoulder of the road and "hit a clump of trees."

Bryana was pronounced dead at the scene while her passenger, Morgan Mantil, also from Almonte, was slightly injured and was sent to Carleton Place Hospital for observation.

Police believe the girls were at a friend's house in Almonte earlier that night and that they took a 1993 Dodge Colt without the owner's permission. Police believe the girls had consumed alcohol before the crash. Both were wearing seatbelts.

Yesterday, Bryana's older sister, Elizabeth Goddard, 26, was at their Almonte home surrounded by family, including her sister, Rainey McEwen, 16, her brother, Teague McEwen, 12, and her father, Syd McEwen. Their mother, Helen, lives out of town.

Ms. Goddard described her sister as a happy-go-lucky, vibrant person who liked to joke and laugh. Her passion for sports won her many friends, and she was looking forward to a future involving art and design.

Ms. Goddard said the tragedy was that her sister was a typical teenager who made a mistake that cost her her life.

"It's one of those things where you have a bright, beautiful, young lady coming into her own," she said. "It's unbelievable that one mistake cost her her life. We make mistakes every day, so to have her not have a chance to try to again, and make a better decision next time ..."

Morgan, meanwhile, had been released from hospital and was resting at home. Her father, Paul Mantil, said his daughter suffered cuts and bruises from the accident, but that he was more concerned about the deep emotional scars she'll suffer from losing her lifelong friend.

"It's tough," he said, taking a pause to gather his thoughts. "Morgan is out of the hospital right now, she's resting at home. She's shook up. And the emotional part? I don't know yet."

Mr. Mantil described Bryana as a "wonderful girl."

"Bryana was a very nice person, a beautiful girl, and she was a good kid," he said. "I don't know what it's going to be like for Morgan when it all sinks in."

The two girls had much in common: They grew up in Almonte, both bright Grade 10 students at Almonte District High School. They excelled in sports, had many friends and, like many teenage girls, loved art and fashion.

According to a police report released by the Lanark County OPP, the girls were just north of Carleton Place, on Concession 7A, when the crash occurred at about 11:50 p.m.

OPP Const. Bruce Wilcox is continuing his investigation of the crash, assisted by an OPP technical traffic collision investigator and scenes of crime officer. Police say charges will not be laid.

Yesterday, many of Bryana's friends went to her house, taking with them food and offering support to their friend's family.

Ms. Goddard said their family is still unclear as to what exactly happened the night of the crash, and that the only thing they can hope for is others will learn from it.

"Bryana's friends have been coming by, and if there is a bright side to losing your little sister, it is that they think before doing something," said Ms. Goddard. "It's a harsh lesson to learn, and we are just trying to move forward."

caedo caelestis

 Once again, yesterday morning a similar incident. Melanie who is 16 decides to steal her boyfriends car while heavily under the influence. She is finally brought to a stop by Greg who manages to jump on the hood of the car after she tries to run him down and punches out the windshield. This stops the vehicle as it ends it journey into the bank of montreal.

Funny how this :) (I have no brain. None.) just keeps comming, luckily she ended up in jail and not in a coffin.

I do believe this brings the total to around 15 accidents in the Almonte/Arnprior region.


 All those stories are rather pointless, there's no need for youth dieing like that....Running down your Boyfriend....Geeez...
Originally The Black Rider, Fonder of Nazgul?.

Down right proud Mac user!
Also down right proud iPod owner
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If someone died for you? Would you care?


 It's pathetic! If you drink and drive, in a way, you deserve to die, especially if you've been warned about it before.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....