Free land on regular

Started by Han Solo, October 12, 2003, 11:29:50 AM

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Agglan Muirscant

 What he's trying to say, is that there is an EXTREME amount of favoritism in this RWL forum. If you get some perosn who's respected in these forums annoyed, even if you don't try to, you'll be in big trouble. So, the smart thing to do is to try and lay low until you're very strong, then you can act like a normal person. But since no-one knows you, and you don't have influential political connections, you'll be smushed if you act normal and not like a peon. I hate the system, but it's true. Beleive me, I've made that mistake before, and it's not fun. *grumbles* <_<  
Agglan Muirscant, Leader of Agglan's Spearhead horde.

Son of Duke Aubres

Dead Eye

 That is quite true. This game is about 20% politics. Emperor and clans. That is how it goes. Popularity has large amount to do with it also. Like with Loren. Wolf Bite was pretending to be Kitty. We all talked back to Kitty, told him/her to shut his mouth. Then right as Wolf Bite said he was Kitty, we never spoke one word against him. That is just how it goes. And in the past, Emperors passed laws. And any who broke them would feel the emperors wrath. But only really strong Emperors ever made laws. Ereptor had quit a few, one being all top 10 members must be in northlands. It is just how things go here. So keep a button on your upper lip.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;a href=&#039;; target=&#039;_blank&#039;&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Spokesperson for The winter clan. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov