Disabled Empire

Started by Dilf, October 08, 2003, 06:45:51 AM

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 fair enough
it was a just a suggestion :P

oh and i have news about SG
and where it might be moving too
apparantly it will be moving within two weeks (i think)
well it might take longer our Admin has been kinda busy recently

but it will become known as PM Promisance
it will be on the same site as another game (which has a playerbase of 2,000)
so how many of them play we don't know
but 10% of them palying would give us 200 members to fiddle with ;)
so tahts all good :)

erm - who was taht guy who checked out WC Prom?
i got a clan for him who will gladly accept him into it (the leader is a friend of mine)

The community is great in WC Prom, its the main reason i paly
oh and i happen to be quite good at it :)
top ten rated player ;)

anyway - come check it out!

more newsw about SG soon

Badrang the Tyrant

 Why was Josh disabled?  Or should I even ask?


it's Josh...
Do you have to ask? You shouldn't...