Turbo - free land to RWL

Started by The Beatles, October 10, 2003, 11:58:40 AM

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The Beatles

 Mailbox Turns: 40 Money: $85,988,195 Land: 57,812 Loyalty: 106,410 Food: 2,594,631 Health: 100% Networth: $50,391,947
Sopwith Camel (#4)
Turns Used: 4,852
Money: $85,988,195
Rank: #19
Networth: $50,391,947
Population: 139,264
Race: Wildcat
Location: Southsward
Est. Production: 331,800
Est. Consumption: 1,106,893
Net: -775,093
Member of Clan: None
Allies: None,None,None
War: None,None,None
Offensive Actions: 176 (88%)
Defenses: 272 (6%)
Kills: 0

Land Division
Markets: 0
Tents: 0
Barracks: 51,388
Camps: 0
Huts: 2,000
Foragers: 4,424
Guard Towers: 0
Unused Land: 0
Est. Income: $263,395
Est. Expenses: $10,491,680
Net: -$10,228,285
Loan Payment: $1,091,607
Per Cap income: $25
Savings Balance: $0 (2.546%)
Loan Balance: $218,321,451 (6.454%)
Rats: 20,520,865
Weasels: 0
Stoats: 0
Skiffs: 0
Leaders: 317,830
Offensive Points: 43,504,234
Defensive Points: 23,804,203

Mailbox Turns: 40 Money: $85,988,195 Land: 57,812 Loyalty: 106,410 Food: 2,594,631 Health: 100% Networth: $50,391,947

I wouldn't be able to keep this right now, though if I tried, perhaps. I will just send out massive aid shipments for now, and til then, free land. Heal is very cool, I had 16m loyalty a while ago.

The Beatles

 I'll send more aid as my tunrs regenerate, meanwhile, windhound had a pleasant surprise, in the form of 12 million rats I suspect.

ARTiTiKA (#39), thanks for being a landfat bouncing board. SG guys, thanks for keeping just one troops... :D

Agglan Muirscant

Agglan Muirscant, Leader of Agglan's Spearhead horde.

Son of Duke Aubres

The Beatles

 PS This is fun, all it needs is 450 turns and some determination. If someone is willing to send me 500m-1b cash, and loyalty and food to boot, I'll gladly do all this over again.

The Beatles

 And of course mostly all of them except the one at the very top have no rats at all. And the one at the top can be broken with skiffs. So whenever you see they can be attacked, hit them, because that's RWL's only chance, if they are hit 24/7 when not maxed.

Badrang the Tyrant

 Beatles, you were Sopwith?  I killed the maker of Duels on his own game...... :sick:

Are you restarting or what?