10 resons why i hate RWL

Started by TR Shadow, April 26, 2003, 06:15:20 PM

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Abby The Rat

 I have made a rule about mulit topic and I am trying to keep the spam down, it boils down to the quetion, is it going to annoy a lot of people or not?

So far, I can only see one person annoyed

Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]


 First off, this is seriously one of, if not the, most amusing posts I've seen on here in a long while!

Secondly, Bloodrath, get off the high horse. I know we've got a lot of pony raisers around here, but that stallion is really just a little big for you.

Third, in a way, (in several ways, in fact), this post is not pointless, and therefore, even in Bloodrath's skewed view, not spam. My reasons for this:

1) It could be taken as a jab against our fellow RWL'ers- the forumgoers who actually do hold those viewpoints. Therefore, it is indeed a relevant statement regarding how the game is played. One of this forum's purposes is to discuss game strategy and players- therefore, making this topic highly relevant.

2) It is a post which spawns commentary, and makes us laugh. Therefore, it fulfills another purpose of these forums- to provide players with a sense of friendship and comeradery. If the boards were completely serious, would we go to them? No.

3) If this is spam, my post count should be completely deleted. About half of these posts I have made were spelling corrections- a function I perform somewhat in order to benefit the boards, but mostly merely for its comedic effect.

Ergo, I have naught else to do save support TR and the Admins. Bloodrath, you're being silly about this. Shushies.


 Listen, I have nothing against a joke or anything. However, the content inside it consisted of bad grammar, not much of a point, bad punctuation, and it did annoy me in a way, though others tend to enjoy it. The point is that  this forum has rules, and when her post was looked upon, it had a lot of things pointing to the word SPAM. Now, the grammar and everything was part of a joke, but what happens when somone spams? They can either say it was just a joke, or I didn't mean it. Or if someone swears. They can say it was all a joke.

Also, Ad is telling me that bad grammar and spelling mistake are not spam, and that they are not pasrt of the forum rules. So, I guess we do not have to spell anything correctly, or just any puctuation. Also, we can creat topics that are funny, but yet, have bad grammar and everything. All I am trying to get at is that people can start taking advantage of the rules. I guess I am wrong about the rules, and we can creat post with bad grammar and we don't really have to worry about spelling errors.

Now Ad is telling me what happens if people cannot spell? Well, I say use a program like microsoft word, and after typing, hit F7 to see your mistakes.

Also, the chat the John posted is just a mess. retto says we don't have to view it. That is true, however, would you like a board full of a 3000 word chat? We don't have to look at it but it takes up space. Basically, according to Retto, I am allowed to post the chat me and Ad are having right now, which is pretty long. And basically, if you don't like it, then tough. that is what the rules say. I need to have a chat with Boze and I need him to think about looking over the rules again.

I hope I am not bothering anyone, but I am just trying to make this a better place to visit and post. If you have an issue at what I am doing, then either PM or chat with me on AIM or msn.


 If you truley hoped that you weren't bothering anyone, you would have stopped your pointless prattle after having made your point and realizing that nobody was agreeing with you.


Quote from: BloodrathNow, on Terrouge I know that Ragefur uses The Exclusive Ragefur and I am not sure over here, but I have seem him use ~A message from Ragefur.
Well, hes right you know...Retto is right. I can. Also it was KILK who used the rare message thing, not Ragefur
Heark! For the City of God comes before us!
And so he asked, "How is a man to judge in such times as these?" and he was answered, "As he always has judged, for good and evil have not changed and the differences are as great as they have ever been."

Former Emperor

Former Member of Rome


 Actually Claria, people have been agreeing with me. Maybe not posted them on the forums, but I have gotten messages and talked to people who agree with me. I am not alone. If after I post, someone "fires" back at me, I am allowed to post back, in responce to them. I do not want to bug anyone, but I am not making pointless rabble, and it is a lot better then some of the other junk of this forum. I am actually trying to make a point and makes things better.  


 I dislike both RWL and the forums. They ruined my life! Must...slowly...regain....life...now that I have no computer and everything! :P

Enjoy your time without me. It's hard enough to check my e-mail!

As for the Ragefur thing, he rarely DOES post (even through being an admin) and posts by him ARE rare. You can't put that on every post. I know Ragefur has always been using ~A message from Ragefur from the beginning. Wickedclaw coppied him, too.

General Austin


~A very unrare message from Austinfur :P  
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

TR Shadow

 Hmm, I think I'll revive this topic so the newer RWLers can see the greatness of my post XD.  Please don't read anything but the first post because this topic turned into a debate over what is spam and what isn't.

*Revives own topic*

Peace Alliance

 The solution isn't to make him a MOD. The solution is that you should have listened to me when I suggested we haf a GD for anything, and a GD JUST for the game. is the spam forum an unrelated GD? No, not at all. a total of maby 10 people read all the posts in the spam forum, if you want people to hear something you put it in the GD. well why not make it seperate grom the game aswell?? I think it would work.

Also, you would make me an Admin, on the forums and in the game, then  everything would be perfect, everything in the whole entire world, 'cause thats just the kind of guy i am!

~A rare post from... wait a second, this isn't very rare! This is a forum, of 'COURSE i would post here!!~


 *reads some of her replies*

I was really, really evil a while back, wasn't I? No wonder a lot of people had issues with me...

Peace Alliance

 I didn't have any issues.....  :rolleyes:  


This is me SO believing that. :snicker: