Whos da best?

Started by Sun Jian, October 12, 2003, 01:15:23 PM

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Sun Jian

 Well mista Peace guy...someone didn't have his wheaties this morning ay?Some are glad wolf Bite goes and helps newbs,some people don't have the kind of SKILL and net to afford to do that! *glares around*
Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.

Peace Alliance

 Ahh, some people just don't like dealing with people like you.

besides, i've helped newbs out before, i have an entire website devoded to teaching my ratmassing stratagy. I've helped MANY people. look around, see a lot of rat-massers? where do you think they all came from?

it doesn't take in game skill to teach people, nor is it any proof that you are any good at all.


 Calm down Peace. No one said that this poll was fact. It is of course all our views, and of course it is debatable...
# rovl.org

Sun Jian

 OK, so your saying that every rat-masser came from you?? hardly believable,l ook i post a simple poll just wondering about something and you go and get your panties in a bundle. Its not fact its opinion. Dang.... reer. "people like me"whats that a racism thing? Man, I thought you were cool ,racist, wow. And also, just because you don't like these polls does not mean you gotta come jumpin on my case. Made ma spaces peace!! ::disagrees::  :angry:  
Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.

Peace Alliance




*takes deep breath*

I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT RACE YOU ARE!! Racism isn't funny, if thats what you were going for. The fact that you would go around using the term so lightly makes me VERY upset. PLEASE try to think things throught before you post them.


Quote from: Sun JianOK, so your saying that every rat-masser came from you?? hardly believable,l ook i post a simple poll just wondering about something and you go and get your panties in a bundle. Its not fact its opinion. Dang.... reer. "people like me"whats that a racism thing? Man, I thought you were cool ,racist, wow. And also, just because you don't like these polls does not mean you gotta come jumpin on my case. Made ma spaces peace!! ::disagrees::  :angry:
First, since Peace does not know your race, how could it have been racist.
Second, the "people like you" comment was directed to how you act, not what your race is.
# rovl.org

Sun Jian

 OK then, my bad, i'm white(just lettin ya know)I don't want to argue with you,unlike my brother, )which you know of), i'm no as ignorant! And if you dislike these polls so much i'm sorry for displeasing you masteryea..... sure.But sorry anyways..Temper temper temper,tsk tsk tsk...
Knowledge speaks, wisdom listens.

Peace Alliance

 Thank you, I'll accept that appology.

Dead Eye

 You shouldnt have accepted his appology peace. What a jerk. Racisim, making fun of you. And what rank are you in game there buddy? Rank 50?
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

Peace Alliance

 its ok, i sense that he meant it after my 'lil lecture.  

The Beatles

Quote from: AqualisYou left off The Beatles, so I voted Peace.
Ooh thanks.
I put Holby, see the other topic for my reasons.


 I would have to vote Wolf.I see how he plays sometimes when I visit.
Very good.


 Beatles is great, but he just doesn't play here much anymore... or at least not vocally...