New look!

Started by Peace Alliance, September 29, 2003, 08:39:23 PM

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Ashyra Nightwing

 I don't have anything to boast about in my siggy...

*stays with the CAFI logo*

wolf bite

 Peace, I can see you want to be me by your new signature.  But there are differences.  

Of the 15 games I have played (including Duels VIII still in progress) I have held emperor for over a week in 13 of them, some of them several times.  I have only non-voluntarily lost it 2 times.  Once by multis and once in duels with 12 against 1.  

You on the other hand have played many more games then I.  You have only in a few of them actually held emperorship more then a solid week. You have never voluntarily left the top spot, but only ended a few games in the top spot, thus you where taken down (usually by me).  

Although you signature, based on the facts above, is hardly as impressive as mine, I do appreciate the compliment of imitation.  Thanks.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 lovely it wolf, why won't you just let me think i'm you? I would love nothing less then to be a cheating, lying "stoatbrain" (your remember that one eh?) who loves to go around making up  c r a p  about people to make people look bad...
I would love to be the kind of person who has people like me think
"Maybe if you would remember to take your pills (obsession compulsive disorder) you might end up being more like me. When i get taken down its usually 'cause i don't involve my entire life around this game. I also don't multi by pretending i have priest friends who come over to my house  :lol: . Ironic isn't it? A priest... someone who is supposed to be so honest and rightious." that would be fun!

Oh well, i don't want to go around spreading anything like you would... thats why the above is hypothetical... And it really doesn't matter, my signature is longer then your so  :P  :P  :P  :P !!!!!!!!!