I'm leavin'

Started by baska, September 25, 2003, 05:16:29 AM

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 As most of you already know, I'll be going to England in 3 days...I'm going to miss y'all and I'm really annoyed at myslef for not arranging to meet up with anyone...Goodbye.
"It has purple inside, purple is a fruit.." Homer Simpson

Angrod Palant?r

 Have a good time Baska. Don't be annoyed for not arranging to meet anyone, it's not something to take on lightly, especially as you're so far away from everyone else.


 Have fun! And I'm insanely jealous... I wish I could go to England. But yes, have a great time, and don't feel bad about not meeting up with anyone. It's okay. =D

Abby The Rat

 "There's still a chance...."

Yes, if you're able to sort something while you're in England. Then maybe you will meet someone. I hope I be able to meet you while your in London.

If you go anywhere near Gloucester or Bristol then let me know as they are even close then London. Let me know.... ~nod~
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: [https://discord.gg/9CkfKWD]

Ashyra Nightwing

 Hm... If you go anywhere near a place called Camberley, let me know..

I hope you have fun in England!


 *jumps in baska's already prepared suitcases and hitches a ride to England away from the evilness of being at home*  

Shhh....I'm coming with him, nobody tell!!

*laughs and gets out of the suitcase* Its too small and crowded in there....Anywhoo, have fun and if you do meet up with Ad or Ashyra don't let Ad fall asleep on you, poor something cold on him and ummm....yeah....
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