Radical New of the Day

Started by Aqualis, March 15, 2005, 12:27:25 PM

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 So I was finishing lunch and I remember that I haven't put wood in the stove (we heat our house with wood) since 6:30am or before. So I run to the stove and open it. Some coals left. Okay, I can get it started. I start piling wood in and I get to the wood box for the piece. Ants! About 300 of them streaming out to this peice of wood. I attempt to kill them with Febreeze and Lysol but apparently that just disorients them. They flee to the other side of the wood and hopefully back inside. I grab a glove and grab the wood and toss it in the stove. Then I realize the coals have started to die. I start shoving paper in there. It starts, I smell like smoke, and I'm not entirely sure I killed that many ants. But for now they are confined to the wood box. What's left of them. Maybe Febreeze and Lysol take a while to kill. As long as these ants aren't like the mice around here ( no mice in house ) we should be okay. (The mice eat rat poison like cheese, without effect. Dang Supermice!)


And it's only 12:30. And I have a 4-H meeting tonight. That's almost a garantee of something out-of-the-ordinary.

// Thus spake Aqualis, builder of fires, killer of ants, and his cat's own personal chew toy.//
"Less talky, more drivey." ~Hawk, Applegeeks Issue #161

~the mighta awualis

Ungatt Trunn II

I'm sorry this happened to you.


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