Is this REALLY nessessary?

Started by TR Shadow, September 14, 2003, 08:57:24 AM

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 Mmkay. I did have a very nice start on a post to this earlier, but I had to run to school, so it didn't get posted.

My thoughts?

Does it really matter?

I'm not big on fighting, so this whole argument thing, in my perspective, is quite, quite overrated.

Administrators have absolute power. This is an accepted fact. What they decide to do is what they decide to do. This is a monarchy, not a democracy. However! If you ask nicely, don't whine, and most certianly don't point fingers, things that you think are wrong may get changed. May. However, in the likely event that they don't - live with it. This goes for everything an administrator does, too; it's not just pertaining to this topic. Administrators are people. They have opinions. You may, and probably do, have a different opinion than them. Live with it. In real life, if someone with power makes a decision that you don't like you have to learn to live with it. A day may come that you will be able to change or override that decision... but don't hold your breath.

So. Administrators have powers.  People with power can do what they like. People without power have to live with these decisions. Arguing over them is pointless and to avoid becoming a hypocrite, I shall exit this topic and not post on it again.

Just learn to deal, my friends, learn to deal. :)

Dead Eye

 Nicely said Sha. I been itching to finish my opion but couldnt put my finger on what I felt like. That was it. 100% true. Admins are the makers of this game, they have the power. I agree.
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 I agree, too...

Behold, the power of a Minnesotan...

Dixie Ros?

 Oh, you're right. I nevva thought of that.  :blink:  
user posted image

 "I love you, Retto! And I don't even have a plushie fixation! Aren't you relieved?"
 "Sarah! That was so uncalled for! *grumbles in a threating way*"
"*huggles a Retto plushie secretively*"

The Lady Shael

 Coming back to make another point I meant to make in my other posts, but forgot to.

I don't have anything against Ad, or any of the RWL admins. I'm opposing the ban, which was made by Ad, which makes it to appear I'm going against him. I'm not. I'm not pointing fingers or blaming him for anything. I think Ad is a wonderful admin, and he's doing a fantastic job so far, but there just seem to be more cons than pros for the ban.

A forum where admins are in control of they own whims sounds a little like a dictatorship. Somehow, the opinions of the forum-goers have to factor in there somewhere. I trust their authority to make beneficial decisions, but sometimes I start to worry...
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

TR Shadow

 *Has an idea*  I promise to shut up if the Admins agree to one of the following:

A. Give Julie a twenty-fourth, twenty-fifth, and twenty-sixth screen name.

B. Make Julie an Admin.

C. Use Julie's penguin ranking system.


Now, on to a more serious note (Yes, I can be serious at times =O), what do the other Admins think?  So far, we only have Ad's opinion on this and, if I'm not mistaking, there are four more Admins that should each get as much of a say in this (if not more) as Ad.  I don't know about the rest of you, but I have not heard any other Admins say anything on this subject.

I'm not totally against the words new bie and old bie (Look, I said it!) being banned when used in certain context.  In this post, the words should not be edited because I did NOT say the words in any way that could POSSIBLY hurt anyone else.  If you were personally offended by my use of those words then please speak up because, to my knowladge, the way they were used in this post did not offend anyone.  I'm completely aware that those words will be edited out of this post and they will soon be replaced with the word 'edit.'  I really don't care, though.  It's a lot easier to say "new bie" and "old bie" than it is to say "Newer member" and "Older member."

Sha: I'm with Shael on this.  I have wanted to use these words some times where they wern't in a particular context and not been allowed because they are banned.  Besides, debates are fun ^_^.

Calria: You're right, I shouldn't have said what I did.  I guess I was a bit mad at you because it certainly seemed, and it still seems that if anyone else was in Ad's place defending this rule like that, you wouldn't be this supportive of it.  You did have other reasons, so I guess I can't attack you for it.


Note: I had to put spaces in those two words because they seem to be added to the word filters XD.