Game Contacts

Started by Fenix, January 26, 2003, 02:11:59 PM

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 Now I ask the question: "Can you find me some more double-digiters, Germania?"
#98! *Evil cackle*

You know who I feel sorry for? Starfire- #101. So close, yet so far away.
I will not deleted this


 You're a freak, man...

Why don't you attack #2? He's very land fat... In fact just the other day I un-landfatted him a bit :)


 I just tried <_<  Espionage's thrown out the window, leader attacks eaten,  and rats and stoats obviously flock to single digiters more than triple ones.

Still, I dropped my attack percent down once more. How fun. I'm just scraping the "B" attack rating. (70%+) <_<

NOTE: Rank at the time of this post is 21.  B)  Used up 150 turns to get there <_<  Most likely will get retaliatory attacks because of the 20+ attacks comitted.
I will not deleted this


 Offensive Actions: 373 (80%)
Defenses: 226 (13%)

Hmmm, why don't people attack me when I can actually defend myself? :D

I remember when I had a little over 200 defenses and about 180 offense... and i had 30k some acres...people need to learn to attack better land sources :/