Best delor parity...

Started by bjornredtail, January 15, 2003, 06:50:54 PM

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The Lady Shael

 I remember when we were all trying to guess where Deran-Jed Pumer Clan came from....(Retto's first account) ^_^ That was fun, we figured out Deran-Jed stood for Deranged, and we never got Pumer, but we did consider a while that Retto was a deranged plumber....

Sons of Delor was Stormy's first account. Daughters of Delor was one of mine. I chose Daughters of Delor to keep a storyline because Stormy asked me to be his heir when he stepped down from the throne.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.

Lupus Moonfang

 Y'know, I'd like to know who Stormy is......
I'm rather new here, and such.
~Lupus Luno Moonfang, Esq, Warlord of The Darkmoon Army, Leader of the clan of The Moonraiders, friend of Bloodknife Scarleg
Email me at


 Stormy=Stormclaw, Former RWL adminstraiter, Terrouge "Employee", and active over at the club Fur Future. (Anywhere elce?)
The name "Delor" was apperntly first used in some sort of wrighting by Stromclaw, Questers Bold 1 I think, though I am not sure.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

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Lupus Moonfang

 Right. Well, thank you.
~Lupus Luno Moonfang, Esq, Warlord of The Darkmoon Army, Leader of the clan of The Moonraiders, friend of Bloodknife Scarleg
Email me at

The Lady Shael

 Welcome to the forums, Lupus. Welcome to RWL, rather. BTW, if you plan to stay, get used to us and insanity. *ahem* Just a little side note there. You already know who I am, I suppose, and my basic story from my post above.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 Hey now... insanity is a good thing, and condusive to excellent oral hygeine!
That's the one thing I like best about RWL, and haven't found much of anywhere else- insanity. *nods*


 *Gasps* We now have "Insane" as one of our qualifications!? Amazing! And I thought we were still bordering between Sea-Sick and Madnessized :rolleyes:  
I will not deleted this


 Nah, Holbs, that was last week...
You've really got to start reading the weekly memos... :rolleyes:  


 They publish memos weekly!? I've only been picking up one a month! Gah, the stuff you peoples hide from me.
Where might I find the weekly edition? I thought I saw a suspicious looking stack of paper under the octopus tentacles, as a matter of fact. Was that it?
I will not deleted this


 Nah... those were the week before.
This week's memos are located in the piggy bank in my sock drawer, just to the right of the pickled herring... *snort* :D


 You mean, where it was right next to the pickled herring.
*Whispers to rest of the forum* You wouldn't believe how nice Cal's pickled herring tastes, 'specially the salty part.
I will not deleted this

Abby The Rat

 Oh wow, I've never posted in this topic, or voted here and yet it been here all my lifetime.

~Falls over~
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 *catches the fallen Ad*

Erm... it hasn't been here 18 years. If it has, then most of us posted on it in-utero.
Heh... modems for the unborn... now there's early tech training!