A Storyline Part II

Started by Peace Alliance, July 15, 2003, 08:58:20 AM

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Peace Alliance

 The storyline, Part I

QuoteThe Retourner
I return from my journey to find my clan is a mess. The heat of Fire is burning across the land. Much of the frozen land has been taken and our domination upon the lands has been broken. Many of my clan members are weary from the fighting. The battles that had just taken place must have been horrendous.

But my returning has brought them new hope. Even through this tough time, everyone seems to manage to have higher spirits because they?re Raging Hero has returned.

As my small empire grew, and I prepared to return among the ranks of the greats, I watched the face of war change all together. Right before my eyes, the entire battle for the top was changed. The land became frozen again. Many of Fires great hero?s were killed, or left. It seemed as though I wasn?t even needed.

So Ice had re-taken control of the lands. So for me everything is as it should be? No, unfortunately not. Although Ice now had power over the game, our highest ranking warlord lay at a standoff with that of the other clan. The two greatest clan leaders weren?t attacking each other. Was the game in a lull?

It didn?t matter; the two strongest warlords refused to attack each other for friendships sake. But to take the emperor one would have to attack the other. By not hurting each other they were in turn hurting they?re very own clans.

So what does the Retourner face now? What are his options? With the game starved of land, and with constant attacks from the opposing warlord, Zedd. Our Raging Hero is nothing but an insignificant bug. Without action, neither clan will be successful in they?re ultimate goal. Neither clan will break the Emperors.

The Storyline, Part II

The Battles
He waited for a long time, fighting off several warlords and at the same time stocking his banks in preparation. It was obvious that without action, he would never be able to live securely in the frozenlands. So what was he to do? Hire massive amounts of rats and break somebody who was more then 5 times his size? Unlikely. So our hero was faced with a challenge, one that he would not back down from. He has faced many battles just like this, how could this be any different?

With his banks flowing with money he started on a battle plan. He hadn?t gotten this far without help from his loyal allies, and he wasn?t going to get any further without them either. The attack was scheduled to take place at nightfall, whilst Zedd and his defences were asleep. The Raging Hero then sent out his money to his allies, who in turn spent the money on hiring mercenary rats to join our ?cause and sending them back to him. The three warlords, Peace Alliance, Sleepy and windhounds brought they?re military to a mighty 32 million rats. It was time to strike!

The first strike broke through Zedd?s defences! A mighty roar went out among the warriors, they were successful. They continued to attack, taking land and building structures on it as it came. They were strong, and the battle was one. When they were maxed out from attacks, the rats returned home to sad news. There were not strong enough to protect themselves from the counterattack. Zedd?s retaliation would no doubt devastate whatever is left. So the rats were sent into hiding. Some would hide in the local markets, some were sent to other warlords. The military was to be spread out.

The predictions were true; When Zedd returned he attacked, wrecking havoc upon all that was worked so hard for. The Raging Hero was left in ruins. All of the money he worked so hard for had been spend, all of the food he had stored up was gone, and all of the military that was used was? still there! There was still a chance!

In a last attempt, and final effort, the three great allies worked together to gain an army of 54 million rats. The army was sent in to battle, and was successful. But they could only do so three times. The losses of battle were so high that the army was pulled out before they could finish the attack! Very little was gained by the final desperate attempt. All would not be lost! The army?s returned no food, money or anything left in the kingdom. The Raging Hero couldn?t believe it. There had to be something he could do, some trick up his sleeve that he picked up from playing with the greats? But there was nothing. He had failed, now he had to start over again, battle it out with the lower empires. Zedd would get to large and nobody but the great wolf bite would be able to break him. All was lost, all was over. Or was it?

The Raging Hero did indeed have a trick up his sleeve. But it was hard to pull off. It would be something that was only worked once against wolf bite himself in battles past. This would be something sneaky, timed just right. But if all goes to plan, it would surely work.
Zedd returned in the morning to see the failed attempts by The Raging Hero. This time the rats were not spread out, this time he could get at them all, take all of his armies in one swoop. He scoffed and began to murder the rats, Leaders poured in slaying them with ease, lowering everything the hero had until he was down measly 20 million rats left. This would surely be the end of his pathetic rebellions; this would surely secure his lead for good. But while he attacked something strange happened. All of a sudden his land dropped! At first he didn?t notice, but then leaders started deserting him from the lack of housing. He noticed that he was being attacked! But who could be doing such a thing?

The Raging Hero watched in the shadows as his net worth fell, his rats were being murdered. It was to be a horrible sight. But it was what had to be done if this battle were to change. As Zedds leaders massacred his forces he took the remaining rats and launched a surprise attack on Zedd! Zedd had demolished his guard towers to make his attack, his entire empire was exposed!

The attack was sweet. The Raging Hero noticed that Zedd finally noticed what was going on. He sent back his rats to what was now a 100 acre empire. He sent a messenger to boast his accomplishment. He was finally successful. With the land he had gained, he would be able to turn the tides of this war, finally the Fiery whole in the middle of the Frozenlands would be beaten down as though with an exhausted foot were kicking at it!

Whew! Its a little long. i had a lot of time on my hands and haven't slept in a long time.  :blink:  

Peace Alliance

 Oh Oh, wolf just broke the emporor, i have more to write about!


 Bravo, bravo, old chap! Wonderful! Kept in the tradition of Redwall, with the game thrown in. Very nice. If it gets any longer your gona have to make a book out of it.
My siggy died :(

Peace Alliance

 I;ve always wanted to write a book.... but its not that good, i just wrote it real quick and stuff. when you write a gook you have to do all the rough work and stuff O.o


 Are you going to write how Zedd then took another 60,000 away, or no? It was good, though. I write good Star Wars stuff, but I'm not much for RWL writing...

Peace Alliance

 How he took it away from me? yeah, that'll probably be in there.