
Started by wolf bite, July 10, 2003, 10:17:50 AM

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wolf bite

 I was thinking the other day about a year ago or so when I joined RWL.  I had been invited by Blood Wake.  In the past, I had really been into computer strategy games, but had no idea what RWL was.  It was the meddle of the first era.  There was Blue Eyes in rank one (orcirst).  I had no idea what the buildings did or how to take a turn.  I thought it was best to have an even number of all buildings, because there must have been a reason to have so many different types of them and an even number of each type of army. I was slowly using the turns but because of protection, could not even get to have the screens to see what an attack was.  Then out of protection I came.  I could then see more of the game and was trying to understand what the object of the game was.  Then I was attack 8 times by a guy names ?rat.?  Oh that dirty rat!  What had I done to the guy to make him attack me?  I tried to attack me with all the different types of attack, and could not hurt him.  So I asked Blood Wake for help.  I did not understand that Blood Wake, although in 11th rank, was mostly HPR and had little army.  Blood Wake slammed the guy for me.  This must have cost a big penalty hitting a guy in 60th rank from 11th rank.  But I did not know of such things.  I was so upset about Rat not likening me, that I asked everyone I knew to join the game just to attack the ?Dirty Rat.?  

Well, I moved slowly up into the ranks of the 80s.  But then when I was attacked by others, I would write down their names and how much land they owed me.  I only attacked people that had attacked me for the land that was mine.  I also thought that a person can only attack a person that is about the same rank as they are. So it was very hard to get higher then a person, or wait for them to get lower then me, to get my land back form them.  Further, I wanted to know how come I could not see the graphics of the little rats and stoats fighting.  I found the game guide but I had no idea what 1/((Offensive_Points/(Defensive_Points+1))/1.25) meant.

It was so hard to get even a few ranks higher when only attacking those that had attack me and only for the land that they had taken.  I scouted a lot.  Then I finally got to rank 15. I could not believe that I was actually was playing with the big boys.  I came on line to fine 21 attacks by a guy named Germaina.  I was blasted down to 45.  I did not know anything about Leaders, but took a few shots and was getting my land back.  Then Kilk attacked me and took that land saying I could not attack his friends.  The era was almost over and the new one was starting.  Then there was Wolf Bite with a different point of view in the second era.  I have reached rank one in every game I have played since (hehe).

I say this because I often think about those new to the game.  They really don?t know what to do or how to do it.  People take things personally when most of the game is not so.  There was more people on this server when I started then there is now.  So they are coming and leaving.  Either they just can never get anywhere or people like the ?rat? are so badly beaten they don?t want to come back.  This about the fact that behind every name is a person, and that we want all persons to stay in the game.  

Does anyone know what ever happened to ?rat??

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


  That was. somewhat touching. I mean, of all of the stories I've heard said that one actually touched me inside. I do not no what has happened to "rat" but if I ever see him/her again I will tell you.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

The Beatles

 A year ago....
I've been here since 15-20 days of its starting. That was in, oh, October 2002.
To me, you are still relatively new, if you only started near the end of the first era.....
Of course, the way you have shaped the game has been amazing, yiss.

Urran Voh

 Wolf Bite, I started out just like you.  In fact, John invited me to join Orcrist's clan the VU.  We were at war with Windhound's clan (I forgot the name) and I didn't know what to do.  All I remember is being attacked by Windhound and not being able to strike back.  Now, I joined before you, but I haven't come along nearly as well as you have.

~Urran Voh
I only log into this name when my Badrang name takes too long to log in.  (Sorry if this doesn't make sense...)

Peace Alliance

 tis a very taucking story for sure.

I started along with a whole bunch of my friends from school. We all liked these kind of games. I remember i was so used to other games, that this one confused me too much. when i started off, my friend sent me 2 million rats and all of a sudden i was loosing 2 million dollars per turn. I had no idea why that was and it scared me! i had no idea how to fix it, no matter how many ways i re-arranged my 5k acres of land i couldn't seem to stop loosing 2 million per turn. finally, i had been attacked so many times (maybe 5 in total) by FoxTrot that i gave up. I left my account (i didn't even know about deleting accounts back then, sorry. dont worry though, it no doupt got deleted from inactivity later) and started a new one. with this one i was a little more careful. once my other internet game ended i decided to actually learn this game. just to pass the time... It was about now when i discouvered (you guessed it) RAT-MASSING!! lol, i immediatly forgot about all other aspects of the game. for some reason the game was sped up at the end, so i went to war with SMITEYOU. did a pretty nice job of it too! i remember how every little accomplishment was a big deal to me. i went to school and bragged my head off as soon as i got over 32 million rats. thats about how many rats it took to break tarsonis, btw. it was the last thing i did before the season ended. and i was pretty darn proud of it! i was also proud that i made a clan. it was smlteyou but with all capitals (exclusing the l). that made it look ujst like the real SMITEYOU. heh, yeah i know, it was stupid. it confused em goo though!

then the nest era started and i began fine-tuning my stratagy. i assure you, i was still crappy utill turbo started. thats really where i learned everything. i thank people like Wolf Bite and Zedd for teaching me aswell.


Urran Voh

 I never had anyone actually teach me how to play the game, but I've watched some of the greatest players and got the gist from them.  But I still don't like massing one kind of troop.
I only log into this name when my Badrang name takes too long to log in.  (Sorry if this doesn't make sense...)


 No one ever taught me either. Being self taught lets you make mistakes (to help you learn faster in some ways), and is more satisfying when you do something right.
I will not deleted this

Ashyra Nightwing

 When I first started playing, I had no idea what to do. I got 1000 rats and thought I could break anyone. I didn't understand why everyone kept attacking me. On average I was attacked about 20 times a day. Then Menatus came along and sent me 100,000 of everything. I was amazed that anyone actually had that many troops. I built some barracks, and ended up gaining a thousand rats a turn...  I had a mere 2 million rats by the end of round 1.
Round 2, I was a weasel. I began to realise the usefulness of having huge amounts of skiffs. Many people don't bother with them, so I could break almost everyone around me...
Skiffs are good.

TR Shadow

 I may have an idea about what happened to "Rat", but I could be wrong.  I had a few issues with someone who was names after a type of troop, but I never can remember which one.  If it was rat, which seems pretty likly, then he was banned.

wolf bite

 I really hope that new players reading how the "good" players of today had the same types of troubles they are having.  The new players will understand that they too can take the ranks and will soon be the "good" players in the months to come.

Thanks everyone for adding to this.

Wolf Bite
"once a newbie"
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles

Peace Alliance

 I'm sure you've all been taught. I don't mean complete "you're my teacher show me everything" kind of stuff. more like me watching and asking why they do this and that... this game is all about little tricks.

Urran Voh

 I never asked questions though.  I just watched and learned people's strat's from the forums as well.
I only log into this name when my Badrang name takes too long to log in.  (Sorry if this doesn't make sense...)


 Lol, I remember when I was new here. I posted like 3 topics asking people how to, and how not to do stuff. I was really odd back then.
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Peace Alliance

 i get new players asking my questions every time i log onto AIM. i try my best and a lot of people like what i tell em. thats why i started PM's R-MA.


 That was touching... wow...

When I started playing, it was October '02, probably about a week or two into the original server. I had NO idea what I was doing, but I managed to tread water in the top 30-40 without too much trouble. One day, I joined TBV, which helped me because having a clan let me build a little more without as many attacks every time I logged on. Then, I joined RIM- Ragey had invited me to the game in the first place, having known me at The Unicorn Inn, so I was cool with going over there. That taught me a lot about RWL politics- we all remember what happened with RIM in the days of the great clan wars. Then, I got mixed up with Josh... I was in his various big-name clans, then left to spy for him in EVTF. After he and his clan went down, I stayed on at EVTF and stopped spying, becoming a loyal clan member for once. Various other clans came and left. Josh had taught me well- through him I learned the value of a stoat, the wisdom of checking stats and recent attacks before making an attack yourself. However, all good things come to an end, and after a brief stint with my own clan, I came into Winter. Winter is what made me the player I am today. Ad brushed my skills up, and fixed my economy... it was in this time that I learned that barracks are more important than markets, for example. I learned to use leaders. I loved Winter dearly, and when the ugliness surrounded it, I stopped playing Regular. I haven't gone back since.
Turbo... turbo loves me. This I know, 'cuz my ranking tells me so.
I love RWL more, though.