how is this for an idea

Started by alacazar, May 11, 2003, 11:21:42 PM

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 I am thinking of making A final fantacy style rpg (ff3 style aka retro)  based very loosly on this game rewall warlords

Since i have never read the books please dont expect me to stick buy them ;)

but basicly im thinking of the basic story,    severl Heroes get together to defeat the evil villan and save all ( in this case) animal kind

Hey  redwall is the perfict vict.... err opertunity to base a rpg style game on because you have several land masses, swords and armor,  multiple races and "special skills which i will add lib for game purposes"

im thinking also of doing one of 2 things in the start,   having multiple races avalabe in a kind of make your own character type of thing (sorry names are static) or having you able to choose between the various heroes and cycle the starting location

if anyone is interested I need

10 or 11 heroes depending on how I do things

1 evil villian
2 not so evil but still despised underlings

if you want to be in the game please post or pm the following

(charactor name)
(nation name)
(charactor age)
(alignment,  evil or good)
(race,  this decided what the adilities of the charator are, loosly based on the race charts for rwl)
(gender,  helps me draw the char and write the story)
(and finaly a general description or a picture of the caracter,   because of limitations on ohrrpce all caractors will be huminoid with animal features)
(not to mention a emial address so if you want you can receave updates, and keep me honest )

examples of what the game can look like can be seen at

now befor you sign up,  keep in mind any game is a lot of work,  and it may take 6 months to a year if not longer to finish, mainly because i will not be using prefab graphics,  however I will work as quick and as eficiantly as I can and still ahve the game come out enjoyable and entertaining

first come first serve (more or less)  


Rough Raiders

 Alllrighty ill join

Name: Blood Claw Scar Eye
Nation: Mossflower Woodlands
Race: Flitcheye
Alignment: Good
Gender: Male
Age: 11 Seasons
Description: Bout 6'5" Muscular scar across left eye carries 2 simitars.... hmmm thats all i can think of now i might edit later tho
Official Forum Acorn Thrower
Holbs is the Master Slicer of MY Acorns with Twin Katana Swords
Leader of the TMNT Alliance

Dead Eye

 I will join.

Name: Silver Tounge
Nation- The Northland Mountains
Race: Fox
Alignment: Neurtral(I will do anything for money)
Gender: Male
Age: about 10 seasons old(little older than mid age
Description: Big and muscles, scars all over body, a silver tounge, rest of body is pitch black fur, carries a large battle axe on his back
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='' target='_blank'></a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov

wolf bite

 I don?t really understand how such RPG things work.  But I am in.  You will have to place me as you need or see fit.

I am a 6 foot long male wolf with yellow fur and green eyes with an oversized muscular chest. I pride myself of my fast movements and agility.

Feel free to fill in the rest as the scrip requires.

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 thats 3,  we still need at least 1 villian and any other heros who want to join the game,  

however exept for the villian we ahve the dead minimum now

more later


 I want to be in it.

10 Seasons
Known for the dark stripe on his back. Muscular,Bigger than most wolves.



 OK i cant let this die so quick,  so forgive me for popping it back up

So far we have in the heros party,    Darkstripe, Wolfbite, Silvertounge, Bloodclaw scar eye,  as well as my own charactor

we still need any heros who want to join,  and at the very least a good sudgestion for the name of the big baddy,    

Otherwise the evil villian of the game is going to end up being Bob the Chipmunk, and none of us want that LOL

and I am not joking about the last part BTW  <_<


wolf bite

 Okay, killer wolf, you can be bigger then most wolfs, but if you want to stay on my good side, at least a bit smaller then me.  We can make you jump higher or some other thing that is better then i. But I am the biggest wolf.  (just playing with you - I like all wolfs)

Wolf Bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


 I shall join.

Name: Keff Blackfur
Nation: Mossflower Wood
Age: 8 seasons
Alignment: Good
Race: Ferret
Gender: Male
Description:  A young ferret with black ears, black paws and a black back.  Thin but strong, skilled with a throwing dagger.  

As for a suggestion for the villain, how about Kevnor the Beaver.  He's evil because beavers were only in one of the Redwall books.
I like Chicken, I like Liver, Meow Mix,Meow Mix, Please Deliver!

Ashyra Nightwing

 I could be a villain!

Name: Lady Ashyra Forscythe-Nightwing
Nation: Southsward
Age: 13 seasons
Alignment:  EeEeEeEeEvil!!
Race: Wildcat
Gender: Female
Description: A tall stocky wildcat warlordess, carries a broadsword. Wears chainmail.


 Name: RazorClaw
Nationality: Northlands
Age: 20 Seasons
Alignment: Evil tactical genius (Mwahahaha!)
Race: Badger (Yes, I'm an evil badger)
Gender: Male
Description: Completely black-furred, lean, and quick. Slightly above average badger strength.

P.S. This should be in RP! *Eats his words at the mavolent glances given upon himself* :eats:  :eats:  


  :blink: ok that makes 6 heros ( os so at the moment i havent written then all down,   Ill steal the website later and finish my notes)

we have one evil villian

razorclaw,  would Evil tactical genius mean your betray your freind for a nickle, already sided with the enemy, or just a tendancy to swipe the heros pocketchange while you plot the eventual downfall of the evil overlord (while you pot to be his replacment of corse)

I thought about the idea of an evil beaver for one of the baddies.

Problem is I keep thinkging,  if i was a evil beaver,  what would be my motavation.  

Ma ha ha ha ha ha   I shall cut down all the worlds forrest to build a massive dam and flood the word!!!!  my own personal beaver pond   mwa Ha ha ha ha ha.    Hmmm  Wooooooood......

see my problem,  comes off more like some tragic form of comic releaf

:rolleyes:   :D   :rolleyes:  


 Mercenary, actually, who wants to prove that he is the greatest warrior-general in the world. And I'm not with Ashyra, at least, not yet.


Quote from: Rough RaidersAlllrighty ill join

Name: Blood Claw Scar Eye
Nation: Mossflower Woodlands
Race: Flitcheye
Alignment: Good
Gender: Male
Age: 11 Seasons
Description: Bout 6'5" Muscular scar across left eye carries 2 simitars.... hmmm thats all i can think of now i might edit later tho
A Flitchaye is a short weasel. It'd be more like 1' 3".