
Started by calria, April 22, 2003, 07:09:47 PM

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 Man  I wish I had leftover Easter candy, I do if you count Jellybeans as candy. <_<  
"Ever since using Strongbad's Ab- Abber 2000, the ladies have been all up ons"

Lend me some sugar, I am your neigbor!

Whats cooler than bein cool? ICE COLD!
Shake it like a Polroid Picture!


 Ooooo Congratulations Cal!  I hope one day to reach that number in they sky. ^_~ Anyway, you should have the title of, newbies worst nightmare, or Grammar Police.  Something like that.

RWL: Skittles #17
Turbo: Kagewa no #9
Mini title: ?Aloof From all Grammatical Rules.?
"When the Emperor looks naked, the Emperor is naked."
"Let's all dance around under the rainbow until we get brutally assaulted with Skittles."


 *stares at her title*

WHERE ON EARTH did that come from, you nutty admins, you!
*faints at it*