Goodbye Carebears

Started by Ragefur, April 19, 2003, 09:20:03 AM

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 At last I have been able to rid myself of the horrid carebear avatar.

Exodus4god: *hires Care Bear mercenaries*
Exodus4god: *gives them all cuteness suits*
Exodus4god: *sends them to harass Ragefur*
Ragefur: *blasts carebears*
Ragefur: ...with a rocket launcher.
Exodus4god: *stares at shreds of Carebears tummies lying around*
Exodus4god: *peels icky stuff off of face*
Exodus4god: *stares at rocket launcher*
Exodus4god: *is horrified*
Exodus4god: How could you DO this?
Exodus4god: They were....My friends..
Exodus4god: *kneels down to help half-dead carebear*
Ragefur: It was easy, I just aimed, and pulled the trigger.
Ragefur: Like this.
Exodus4god: lol
Ragefur: *makes half dead carebear into half a carebear*
Exodus4god: *stares at totally dead Carebear*
Exodus4god: *wonders where he can get a missile launcher*
Ragefur: Wal-mart.
Exodus4god: Ahh
Exodus4god: *runs to Wal-mart*
Exodus4god: *buys missile launchers and assasin carebears*
Exodus4god: *menacing growl*
Exodus4god: *gives pep talk to bears*
Ragefur: *climbs into tank*
Ragefur: *runs*
Exodus4god: *sends them out to harass Ragefur*
Exodus4god: *chases*
Ragefur: *calls for reinforcements*
Exodus4god: *jams transmission*
Ragefur: Stormy sniped a carebear.
Ragefur: Weasel {Whoa. Squaresoft ~really~ knows their job.}: I'm on your side with a sniper rifle. *snipes care-bear*
Ragefur: See.
Exodus4god: Noooooooooooo
Exodus4god: *runs to Wal-Mart*
Exodus4god: *buys carebear tanks*
Ragefur: *runs over carebears with tank*
Ragefur: {Squelch}
Exodus4god: *gasps*
Exodus4god: *plugs ears*
Exodus4god: *buys more*
Exodus4god: *sticks them in tanks*
Ragefur: *drat*
Exodus4god: *laughs evilly*

Take that, Carebears.

~A Message From Ragefur
Highest Rank: 1
8th player ever.

TR Shadow

 That's ok.  Today's the last day of the Care bears.  I know a site where we can get My Little Pony avatars =P.

That wasn't a joke.



Please no ponies. Ponies are worse than Carebears. No ponies.

~A Message From Ragefur
Highest Rank: 1
8th player ever.


Old server:Silven Deathwinds:Reborn. (Locked ATM.)

Turbo Server:Silver Deathwinds: Reborn. (#60)

Old names:

The Silver Ones (Old OLD server.)
Silver Deathwinds (Turbo)
Silven Deathwinds (Regular)


Married to:


user posted image Yes, I'm drunk.
user posted image HELP! I'M ON FIRE!
user posted image My..Arm..Will fall off if...]
user posted image Oh, a borg!
user posted imageBurp.

user posted imageEkk!

If you wonder who I am, anything with silver would be a near-safe guese.


 What are you TALKING about? My Little Pony is ever so much better than Care Bears. Man. I miss the 80's.

*stares at Ragefur*
*shakes head* Evil, evil, evil. Ah, well.

Black Claw

 Why does so many people have Carebear avatar? ;) *looks for moogle avater* Why don't we FF or Redwall or LOTR avatars instead?
An Aztec poem.
Where would we not go to find death? For that desire, our heart bleeds.

Me likes moogles


 I nearly had a Quistis avatar, but I decided the kitty was cuter.

Why Care Bears? Because they are adorable and cuddly and NICE!

Sounds just like me.. Only I'm not fuzzy. Thank goodness. I am, however, wearing a Care Bear shirt again. Alas.

Black Claw

 :lol:hehehe. I all ways knew you were fuzzy. But carebear are scarey.:blink: aaaaaaaaaaaaugh there comeing.
An Aztec poem.
Where would we not go to find death? For that desire, our heart bleeds.

Me likes moogles



I -heart- My Little Pony...


In a game that's predominantly boys, why are we having such girly av fads?


 Ah, and there's the scary part.

Hmmm.. I am going off in search of something now. *snickers*