Advenchoorz in da redwallverse!

Started by Camaclue, October 08, 2011, 11:03:42 PM

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eff it, I'm eating my cereal right now.
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]



! became a powerful leader player. (if you sacked him he payed out 1billion cash, and 100 million food)

!: i pwan you all! Nothing, nobody can stop me!

Wererat: Seems the battle was easier than i though, i believe their genearl wasnt even trying :P

Weasels: 10110110 111110111 10111111 00000101101101 0011001 10010 01010111000111 00101

Wererat: This document! So, these were mercanaries hired to take us down and out!!! It is signed by exclamation mark...Who,or what is that?

Wesaels: (calls in to honey badger) 11-110101101-0101-101011-0010-0000-0-10-010

Honey Badger Dont Care: So, you got into a skirmish eh. nice victory. But look into this new information and see if you can hunt down this !

Immediately, the Wererat army and weasel  flying force( they fly with their tails, so Shut it) head to the newset location, camaclue island, where the craziest things happen

Orycteropus afer


i will swing a bat at your forhead and you would die
1. Mike Oxlong (#14)
$16,999,999,999 with 275,000 Acres
3. AL CAPONE (#23)
$887,873,381 with 14,939 Acres
3. wrecking balls (#9)
$801,398,171 with 32,301 Acres
1. Nazgul (#5)
$1,503,190,327 with 201,952 Acres


So,  as the 2 mercanary squads enter camaclu island they are greeted by an? an? an Aardvark!!

Aardvark: I am Afer, welcome to crazy place in the world, Caaclue island.

Wererat: Whats so crazy bout this place?

Afer: The fourth wall breaks here at this location. So insane things go on, and reality is broken and logic is absolutely defied.

Weasels:10000111101101 100011111 1111000010100 0

Afer: What the ferret foraging food?

Wererat: Srry, its binary code, the only communication the flying airforce weasels can speak. He said, how did the fourth wall break?

Afer: Weird... Ahem: Cama Clue once ruled this island, he was emperor of it since time began. his power is unknown. But apparently he lives forever because he controls immortality, or rather defies ageing. Dunno exacty.  Wait hold on

Wererat: ...
Weasels: 10100001!!!!!

(Afer ate an ant!!!)

wererat: he calls us weird

Afer: *slurp* Sorry, i could not resist. I havent ate all day, now where was i. Oh yes Cama Clue broke the fourth wall, but there is a prophecy of a fifth wall. This fifth wall came into our world through the chaotic unstable state of this island. However, it is said a gilded spoon is needed to control the fifth wall

Wererat: Gilded spoon!!! That is why we are here! we are mercanries hired to hunt down the spoon!

Afer: Well then, It certainly isnt here, otherwise the distortion in the sky would be fixed


Wererat: Yes, i think ! is here... We must find him...

What lies ahead for the mercanaries of HONEYBADGERDONTCARE?

Stay tuned to find out


shoots you all with a big huge death bringing MARSHMELLOW GUN
Collapsing and Expanding Dem Categories with no help from Kilk!


Camaclue: The Fish are flying in the pink sky, Trees are growing in the clouds, and I don't have a world in the care!
guard: Sir, somebeasts that somehow aren't affected by the island have arrived, what must we do?
Camaclue: Make the flying weasels speak morse code and give the wearat a second head.
guard: Yes sir! *hops away like there's no gravity*
Camaclue: *drinks a chocolate milk of glass* Things are gonna get a little normal, isn't that right evil mustache?
Mustache: Muahahahaha!
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]


Afer: I shall join your brigade. no need to chargeinto your death. I may know where this ! is at. but be wary, Emperor Cama Clue may already know you are here.

Wererat: why are you helping us? wont you be mauled to death for defying the emperor?

Afer: um, its complicated, i am adventure guide. So no harm comes to me until you arrive atba set destination

Weasels: Blinks insanely fast

Wererat: What the... is that morse code? its too fast to understand..
weasels: insane seisure inducing flash of morse code!
afer: aaaaah, stop!

moments later, afer and wererat seal weasals mounth with a gag. Yes, a forum gag 0.o

Then, the brigade was off

JUST DOESNT CARE(okay, this guy leader attacked me, wat? i only had 25k. What is this i dont even)

Honey:mm.. i want my spoon.

we introduce a scene with excamation

!:  this island, the fifth wall is here, and i control the key to its power...I will be emperor of all the world mwahaha


Camaclue: AFER! It's one word, not two. And besides, Cama clue is a stupid name. That's why I glued it together. OOH! I should make the ground rain. GROUND! RAIN!
ground: *starts to rain up*

Ferret: I KNEW I should have bought those umbrella pants. But NO! It would NEVER rain up! We live in a reality defying ISLAND!
Guard: Ya know, if you keep on complaining, the emperor will hear you and do something CRAZY. Like last week, he turned Joe into one of those Taur things, and yesterday, I heard that he shrunk a rat for looking at his flying mansion weirdly.
Ferret: *suddenly grows a second pair of arms* CURSES!

!: Yes! The Island is so close! I can just wade to it!
crewmember: I heard that the water does kooky things to you.
!: Pfft, so what? *jumps into water, then starts floating up* This means NOTHING!
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]


!: Hey hand me that rake
Rake: Hey don't touch me! Get your dirty hans off me
Hans !: What?! How did you guess my name?
Rake: I'm smart.
Hans !: No! your a rake. and why are you talking?
Rake: I'm a talking rake.
Hans !: Oh shut up. *picks up rake*
Rake: *screams* Lemme go!
Hans !: No. You know my real name. Now you will die so you can't tell anyone.
Rake: Sorry, but you can't kill a rake.
Cama clue: *appears* Oh, how nice to meet you Hans. I have always longed for someone fun to kill.
Hans !:My name isn't Hans. *changes name back*
Cama clue: Hmm. I really don't want to change it back, I'm too lazy.
Rake: *runs away*
!: No! it's getting away!
Quote from: Pippin on October 13, 2011, 04:40:07 PM
Quote from: Kilkenne on January 30, 2012, 08:23:56 PM
"I want in. Only I want to be a nazi."-Rakefur 2012


!: Grr.. forget the Rake! I need to find the gates to the fifth wall!

So he is on a part of an island far away from the brigade. Very far

Wererat: Oh oh, sum stoats carrying huge offensive points.
Weasels: __________(they were gagged remember¿)
Wearat: good point, we are poerful in defense, with our numbers we shall prevail

*epic battle music Plays*♪♪♪


Weasels: (attack from the sky head on against the stoats, what sight, the wax on the weasels fur repels the stoats attacks!)

Wererat: ARGHHGHG! Super Were Rat GOD TIER!!!

GT Wererat 1:  (standing at an unbelievable 10 feet, crushes the stoats from above and the ones fighting below...)
Go my army, finish the rest of em >:)

Wesaels: their gag was momentairly lifted!!!! (Flashes electric morse code)

Stooats:ahhh im blinded. Were crashing, mayday mayday!

GT Wererat 1: (turns back to orginal form) that was easy. Gained a few levels, not to shabby eh

Weasels(regagged) ___________


Emperor CAMACLUE: Find this ! person. the gilded spoon is in his possesion and i need it to control the most powerfullest entity in the world!!! The FIFTH WALLL



Reality Camaclue: Hi.
Camaclue: WHO ARE YOU???
Reality Camaclue: I'm the actual Camaclue from the very real reality. And I have come with a message. There are six walls in total. You broke four. Because of that, reality is warped. But if all the walls are broken, then reality will bend, and the entire world will be affected. never let ANYONE find the sixth wall, or your powers will be boosted.
Camaclue: That sounds like a good idea.
Reality Camaclue: Nah, you are affected by your powers. Even though you already are. And You're only supposed to have two legs, not four.
Camaclue: But this form is COMFY! Just for an hour please!
RC: Okay, but at least change that poor ferret from a few posts ago back.
Camaclue: *sighs* Okay. *reverts ferret back to normal*

Ferret: My beautiful arms! Now I'm normal again!

RC: Gotta go now. Also, the Fifth wall has little effect, other than the destroyer gains the powers.
Camaclue: OHKAEY!

!: Stupid liquid ground and solid water. WHY IS THIS ISLAND SO WARPED!?!?

Meanwhile back at the- why do I feel like I have the lower body of a fish now?

Wearat: La lee la la *second head pops up* OHSHOOTWHAT!?!?
Wearat #2: OHSHOOTWHAT!?!?
Wearat: Okay, this is weird.
Wearat #2: I know.
Wearat: So... You're me?
Wearat #2: I guess.

Camaclue: I told you to give the wearat a second head minion!
Guard: Sorry.
Camaclue: NOW TO PUNISH YOU! *turns guard into a Hedgehog*
Guard: This isn't so bad.*turns into doll*
Camaclue: I love it when they don't expect it.
Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on November 12, 2012, 09:10:32 PM
ey M8 ur cheeky i swear ill wreck ur [poop]

Orycteropus afer



Quote from: Pippin on October 13, 2011, 04:40:07 PM
Quote from: Kilkenne on January 30, 2012, 08:23:56 PM
"I want in. Only I want to be a nazi."-Rakefur 2012