The Gawtrybe

Started by Fleetscut, March 21, 2003, 11:57:20 PM

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 A jackdaw came back from a tracking and listening job.
"Windhound is gathering an army. He is recruiting woodlanders. What shall we do, Lord?"
"My hares will go in patrols and snipe at these enemies. The woodlanders will perish."

He detailed ten patrols of a score of hares each for battle, and brought in hundreds more from his mountain domain. He told the patrols to snipe at any woodlanders showing they would attack them, and take any prisoners possible.

The first day was a success. Many moles, hedgehogs, mice, and even a family of five badgers. More hares patrolled the cells, and accomodations for prisoners were made.

OOC: The badgers were sleeping, enabling their capture.
Glory, Glory, Man United!


 OOC: Back in the REAL Gawtrybe camp......
Kiawo was arranging his army. He issued them with new weapons and started discussing battle tactics.
The new band of windhound's army dodged the arrows in silence.
The captured Gawtrybe warriors questioned windhound's alliance. However Urahta, the unofficial leader of the squirrels said that they would trust him for now. Why would windhound turn against squirrels who could help him defeat his was captor? But he also warned them to keep a sharp eye for any tricks he could try.
The warriors also missed their wives and children. But they all knew it was no use looking for them, the Gawtrybe would always come to them.
The Hares were heavily guarding the 5 caged badgers. These ferocious beasts seemed liable to break out at any time, despite the thickness of the bars.
Once again 20 shafts flew down hitting the mountain hares. This time they were ready. One sounded an alert and they set out to fight the squirrels in close combat.
The cages were now unguarded! Kiawo knew that the Hares would not be able to catch the squirrels leaping from tree to tree. Fortune struck him double. He found the badgers. Heaving up the latch with all his strentgh the cage squng open and an enourmous stripe dog roared with anger. The next
cages were unhooked with ease by the great beasts strentgh. A few hedgehogs who had not been alerted by the pandemonium came out astonished.
"OY!" Cried one. "Whatdya thin, oof!" A young badger dealt the hedgehog with a heavy blow. More mice and moles came out armed to the teeth. Kiawo growled low.
"Let's see what you've got micees!"

Over the far side windhound noticed the sniping had stopped. His sharp ears picked up the war cries. He peered over to find hares frantically trying to pick off the Gawtrybe army in the trees. The squirrel warriors saw this and rejoiced.
"Heeheheehehehe. Kiawo 'as come to save usses!"
windhound smiled. He ordered the bewildered squirrels to set fire to the unguarded trebuchets. He didn't want a smart hare to come racing over and fire a rock on him while he was watching such a grand fight!
The Marsh Lord stumbled on his puzzled army near the acorn treeguided by 3 monitors.
"YAWHOOGA! Frooga good harrr!"
The Marsh Lord gave the answers they needed and set off the flank the squirrels.
Yesero spied the jackdaw flying overhead in the night. He had noticed these birds flying around in these strange parts at the start of the journey. This time he had enough. Pretending he did not notice, he ordered 10 of his army up one tree and 10 on the adjacent oak tree. The jackdaws flew a little closer, puzzled by the squirrels manouvre.
"FIRE!!!!" Screamed Yesero. 20 shafts flew up in the air and 5 managed to pierce one bird to his death. The other got away with a shaft through his hind leg. Yesero smiled. Nothing was going to stop him from executing his mission. That was why he was second in command.

Demoneye - Pirates of Terramort.


 OOC: My cells are underground, you were unable to make my guards leave due to their orders. All my other hares are fighting; you mayc attempt a rescue. I gained hundreds of hares in a recent post, so here they are. Also, windhound, I stated I stored my trebuchets.

Out of his hundreds of recently acquired hares, four hundred went to fight the squirrels, the rest guarding prisoners. A trebuchet was brought out, and the largest of cargo slung at the squirrels and windhound's army. When it was set ablaze by an arrow from windhound, they pushed it into the flanks of squirrels, scattering them.

In the cells...

Deathclaw noticed he had five badgers. He got four good archers and picked up his own bow, and in a matter of moments, each badger took three shafts it virtually the same spot, and all shafts were poison-tipped and fatal. He new the dangers of keeping five badgers.

In the battle ground...

The squirrels were regrouping for another attack. Hares took to beast-made hiding positions and fired shafts or slung stones to keep the squirrels from advancing, picking off any that chose to venture into the open. Then the Marsh Lord came with his lizards. Monitors and newts threw themselves into the fray, rushing the squirrels, as hares picked off squirrels who were stunned by the twosided advance. Deathclaw saw windhound from a small arrow slit, and ordered ten of the best to fire at them. He picked up his bow and slew two hedgehogs in windhound's army, and left the rest to his archers, whilst his prisoners were guarded ever-closely and to be slew if they were being rescued.
Glory, Glory, Man United!