
Started by Shadow, July 18, 2011, 06:33:18 PM

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Why did everyone suddenly leave? Things are just getting interesting...
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I'm actually going on a trip. Be back in about 2 weeks.
Quote from: Ashyra Nightwingi have work to do and that is why i'm playing rwl, this is how it always works


~200k has vacationed in the last three weeks, it's really noticeable how much harder it is to scrape. Figure it's just the summer slump.

cloud sucks, and it's only going to get worse seeing as I have to go on vacation in a few days as well...Unfortunately my reason isn't for pleasure.
"Through the wonders of scientific and mathematical reasoning, we can now reasonable infer that "cloud" is in fact "a bear"."

Once an emperor, always an emperor...


I am back...finally.
I left for a week, forgot to go on vacation before.

Why, when I logged back in, was I automatically in vacation? I didn't remember that.
I love bad [berries] that's my [fruity] problem


If you are inactive for a week, it vacations you.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


I thought it deleted your account.
I just got back and the first thing I do is go to the computer. lol
I love bad [berries] that's my [fruity] problem


It deleted your account years ago. We got rid of that since the admins were tired of reviving people.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

The Lady Shael

Admin laziness ftw. B) Always trying to figure out more ways to automate our jobs.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.