Use of "The"

Started by Abby The Rat, July 26, 2003, 07:26:16 AM

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 The use of the word "te" offends me. Therefore, we have to completely suspend the useage of definate articles. Therefore, none of us exist.


 I'd like to express my utter contempt for any & all people who actually think I follow a religion in which use of the word "The" is sacreligious, but that would give me away.


 You don't? *gasp*

...actually, it wouldn't suprise me half as much as you'd think if one of us did start a religion like that...

wolf bite

 I tried to start one once where everyone had to have a satfy pin in their pant leg. Then someone started one where everyone had to have a safty pin in their shirt and that really got big fast. So I had to stop mine because it looked like i was copying them.  Oh well ...


Wolf bite
Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles