Ereptor's good side

Started by Trident, April 02, 2003, 06:26:36 PM

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Quote from: evordHey Ereptor has not hit puberty, what warlord are you anyway?
10 bucks says that he's either a dead or disabled one.


 At first it was funny but now it is just getting stupid. I am speaking of The One and The Two.
Who turned out the lights?

"Actually, a woman is more like a beer. They smell good, they look good, and you'd step over your own mother just to get one!" ~ Homer Simpson

General Austin

 The puberty and gay stuf went overboard. The Silent Calculator's funny, though.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

 Ereptor. I remember a topic on the old forums started by you. The title went like this.
Stormy crowned Emperor forever
Game still worth playing?

If you posted that, I think you know what it's like to have an Emperor so much stronger than you. I enjoyed the reign of Stormy. So much more peaceful than it is now. You have taken the fun out of the game. Many of us lower ranked hordes have dreamed of becoming Emperor or Empress, and you, with your high networth, your amounts of troops, have broken those dreams.
Just think what it would be like, reading through the history of the Second Age of RWL, only to find that a single person ruled for most of the game, resisting all attempts to dethrone him and generally making RWL a less fun place. Maybe that's why Kilk is leaving until the next reset.
I am tempted to leave, though I probably won't be able to, being severely addicted.

I think that Ereptor should appear a different colour to the rest of us. He is so far apart, I hardly think he should be counted as an Emperor anymore.

*looks at Holbs* I'm sorry... *hangs head* I didn't mean to take all that land... :(

(Ashyra's longest post on record)


 Retto has asked me to consider stepping down.  You, Ashyra Nightwing have posted the post i knew would come one day.  Being Emperor can be fun, but i knew i would grow bored.  That is why i started the story of Mordor and what not.  I enjoyed playing with everyone and having fun with the story.  Ashyra if there are more that feel as you do then i will consider stepping down.  I love this game, and i want it not only to be fun for me, but fun for everyone.  I suggested to Retto that he make a poll that would ask if people were having fun, or not having fun with me in power.  He said it was mostly him and stormy that were worried about me being so high.  So this is it rwl.  I didn't post this post earlier, because i didn't want to give everyone the idea that they could just vote me out of power.  But when you post a post like this it shows me that not everyone is having fun.  That is what a game is suppossed to be.  Fun.  About my post long ago on stormy, my only defense is that i did not know how to play the game back then so it was impossible to play it now.  So, Ashyra Nightwing start a poll.  A fair one.  I trust you shall do so anyway, you seem honest.  I will consider leaving my reign and letting another take my place.  If i do step down, i will not chose another to take my place.  It will be up for grabs.......
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*