Incomplete Interview with lucy...

Started by Night Wolf, September 25, 2010, 09:51:06 PM

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Night Wolf

There were many more random questions I wished to ask the ausie lass but heres what I got

Nick says: Hello lucy

Lucy says: hi

Nick says: How r u

Lucy says: ok. how are you?

Nick says: Im good
Just thought id say hi

Lucy says: lol k

Nick says: ANyways I was curious what do you think of the color red?

Lucy says: I like it
but what for?

Nick says: personally it creeps me out being the color of blood and all
would you say its your favorite color?
Your from australia correct?

Lucy says: correct
no. purple is my favorit colour

Nick says: So you have regular encounters with kangaroos right?

Lucy says: what do you mean regular lol
If you're driving on country roads at dusk or night time, then you might see some, but other wise no

Nick says: Like you see them all the time cuz theyre the chipmunks of australia?

Lucy says: lol no

Nick says: Do they sneeze or cough

Lucy says: they're not like in parks
I dont know lol

Nick says:  Well then you are no use
Know anything about crocodiles?

Lucy says: no

Ungatt Trunn II

Don't dabble too much, it may attack. As know of her species.

Ungatt Trunn II

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I wish I was as popular as amarlon21barrettf

Night Wolf

Quote from: Ungatt Trunn II on September 25, 2010, 09:55:36 PM
Don't dabble too much, it may attack. As know of her species.
Once she returns I shall interegate the ausie even more  >:D

Night Wolf

And why is my name forward more?
Is it because im more awesome than anyone elese there?

Ungatt Trunn II

Dunno. Maybe because you DABBLE TOO MUCH!?

Twilight Shadow