
Started by Well Actually I Do Have a, March 29, 2003, 09:54:09 PM

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Well Actually I Do Have a

Following my first posting the saga continues, "Well He quickly defeated that other guy with his calculator, aptly named the Silent Numerical Calculator, his fingers flew over the keys as he punched in numbers, equations, and other Redwall type things. Many tried to halt his advance, but their computing skills lacked the finesse and power to compete with such a brilliant Warlord. As his power grew, he released his Naz, Minions trained in the Dark Computing Arts, serving only to calculate more, and faster than everyone else (ever)."
Wolfbites #1 Fan!


 Man this is the second scheme i have read about tonight.  Anyone else want to take a shot at how i made Emperor?  Come on.  Any crazy ideas will do.  Just write down whatever comes into your head.  Not to hard people.  Lets see what the others can come up with,..........deathclaw.  heh heh, nt
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*


 Let me have a try at it *Spiys on Ereptor's feet* you were given anythng you wanted by someone unknown to us and now you have betrayed them and all that helped you get to the top ... dispicable I hate to even look at your disguting form of a human
Dark days are coming my friends....... oh yes we are in trouble....

Well Actually I Do Have a

1st of al Blackeyes, most would hate to have to look at Ereptor, but luckily we just see his online name You know Im The MOst Powerful Mordor Leader who Likes LOTR and Is Good at Equations in Math and Even Have A Title Which You Would Never Have On The Online Gaming Site.
   Wonder what Ereptor will say, "You murderous little vermin scum Deathclaw, (who is that anyways?) I am the best Redwall warlord in the game, how dare you slander my reputation. Silently my Silent Hands weilding my Silent Blade slice through the air. For I am Ereptor the Deciever, the all powerful....." (something like that anyways."
Wolfbites #1 Fan!


 No Ereptor- it's not Deathclaw. I do know who it is though, and I won't tell you....

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant


 I think I know pretty well who it is, too...hehe.


 No Kilk- you most certainly don't...

"We will win the is a simple case of mathematics." -Samuel Grant

Well Actually I Do Have a

         As the story unfolds," Ereptor's really cool silent online forces were growing daily thanks to shrewd calculations and quick work from Ereptor's Silent Calculator. Little did he and his one other friend, (the one friend he had who only liked him because he sent him troops and money), know that that one day they would become really good at math and win the game. For now they were content with being online about 15 hours a day, and processing advanced theoreums with their incredible calculators."
       Ereptor like I said many times before... Go outside and play. You can probably trade all those redwall dollars in for a friend if you try really hard. I'm sure 15,000,000 pretend Stoats could find you a commited online buddy at least.
       By the way, keep blaming Deathclaw or whoever that was. You are better at Redwall than me, does that narrow it down?
                                                                   -The One
Wolfbites #1 Fan!

Badrang the Tyrant

 I know who it is!

And Ereptor, I know how you got to the top and became Emperor.  Josh told me...


 sigh....josh is a friend.  he would not say these things.  Deathclaw is slimy but i dunno if it is him.  Beatles, now there is a guy that doesn't like an emperor.....
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Badrang the Tyrant

 Josh aka Fenix, or whoever else you like to call him.  


 Fenix.  He doesn't play anymore.
The Dark Lord
Warrior since the First Era
Emperor of the Dark Ages
Leader of TBV, TOL, ROME and Mordor
Win with class, lose with class, always respect your opponet.
*Walks Out Of Shadow*

Badrang the Tyrant

 That doesn't mean that I didn't find out when he was still Penguins.

Well Actually I Do Have a

     No sorry, not Fenix, I am The One. "Now if you dont mind I will continue... Ereptor's calculator minions working very hard at their computers suddenly came up with the most brilliantly evil Silent plan for Ereptor the deciever. They realized that he could use his evil calculator and other mathematical devices in addition to some good lying to conquer Redwall online, that is as long as he was on exactly 24 hours a day every day for the next year. Ereptor silently agreed to this plan, using his silent sign language that his silent minions had learned, and set out to accomplish the best thing he would ever do in his entire life, become emperor. As his face grew white from staying out of the son, and he silently starved in agony, his empire and online life flourished. Soon he realized after about 23 billion more turns and a few more months online, he would be the greatest warlord ever..."
  Beware Ereptor and his many titles including, the Deciever, the Man of Many Titles, the online Redwall warlord, the One who Invented An Online Plot-Line for Redwall In His Spare Time, the One who Silently Dispaches his Enemy, the Ruler of the Lands of Mordor, the All Powerful Eye, Master to Some Sad People Who Jump To Join His Cause, but much much more commonly called, freak, albino, one with no life, disgusting beast, vile creature, waste of air, and.. feel free to add.
                                                                                 -The One
Wolfbites #1 Fan!