Defense bug

Started by Shadow, October 05, 2009, 12:42:17 PM

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Menace (#25)
Turns   0 (max 550)
Turns Stored   0 (max 150)
Rank   #3
Workers   259,734
Acres   86,559
Cash   $3,528,294,205
Food   377,991,801
Loyalty   6,202,890
Networth   $83,136,684
Location   Mossflower
Race   Marten
Health   78%
Tax Rate   11%
Rats   18,503,213
Weasels   245,840
Stoats   625,196
Skiffs   274,528
Leaders   3,075,242

I had well over 60k towers. at 2k DP per tower, he shoud need well over 50m rats to break, yet he was breaking with 18m? By the way, I never dropped below 70 health during this, but he was breaking with 18m at 100% health at one point.

I also noticed that this bug can go the other way - just the other day, I was attacking Fate, and I broke with 21m rats. Yet after I broke about 10x, 21m rats no longer broke, even at 100% health, even though it is obvious that he had lost towers in the first few breaks. That should be mathematically impossible.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


K seriously what the [haties]:

at the start of my run I broke raath with 900k stoats. After 5 breaks, it stopped working, and now I cant even break him with 2m stoats at 100% health.

Actually Shael I think I know what is causing this, if you catch me on msn I'll explain.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


ive been having the same problem on turbo, thought i was just crazy.
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