#71 why .....

Started by lonewolf1817, April 18, 2003, 01:54:13 AM

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 After all the post that I have read in the forms no one has ever been as mean or as cruel as you. On top of that I don?t understand why u need to correct people spelling, does it make you fell good? I think that you have some kind of  issues if you spend all that time on the forms just to correct peoples spelling and downing them. When you are not even super high in the ranks.
When you have done soemthing right, no one will know you have done anything at all

General Austin

 Well, maybe because it's a hobby, and when her corrections make any difference, it makes the forums easier to read. Punctuation, grammar, spelling, all seem trivial around here to people who can read their own handwriting, but to others, it may seem confusing.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.

Peace Alliance

 confusing like the word bally?



Once again, my disclaimer on my spelling corrections...
(and please, call me Cal!)

1) I never mean to be mean with them really, unless someone is making me mad with their attitude- coming into the forums as a newb and feeling like they own the place and can insult people.

2) Correcting spelling has become sort of a trademark for me. People expect me to do it, and I often do it just to be funny, or make a point.

3) Spelling and punctuation DO matter. I'm trying to be to where I only correct the BIG errors anymore, but when smoone iz tlakin loike thsii, I don't take kindly to it, obviously. It makes the forums a more pleasant place to be if we all try to make everything easy to read and understand.

Badrang the Tyrant

 Lonewolf, just shutup and let Cal do her job!

My job is to correct her when she messes up. :D  

Peace Alliance

 you can do that ?!?!? i always thought she was never wrong!!!!!!!

Dead Eye

 She is wrong a lot. Because she is so stupid. ~hids from Cal!~
Dead Eye Trueflight of the Seas, Servent to the Emperor and Empress of the Northlands<br><br><a href='http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha' target='_blank'>http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?Itha</a><br><br>Spokesperson for The winter clan. <br><br>Part of the ROC since some time in October-Nov


 Cal is #71?  Humm... woops, sorry for all that attacking a while back  :unsure: meh, I don't like heavily attacking people I semi know.  Meep.
"Death death death death death death la la la la death" -- The Woad to Wuin


 lol! But Calan- I attacked the poop out of you first! *grin*
There's only a few warlords I really stop before attacking- Aus, Tania, and Ad, to name a few. Other than them, if I can break'em, I'll take'em. *shrug*

*sigh* Yes, I do make mistakes... unfortunately... *sniff* can't be perfect ALL the time, I guess.

But I sure do try! *grin*