
Started by Daryn, August 17, 2009, 06:34:27 PM

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what is a good amount of skiffs and stoats to be had for a 100mil networth person?

Daryn the noob


Hi Daryn,

That is a pretty subjective question.

Skiffs are each worth 6 Networth. Stoats are worth 4. If you look in your Networth make up, it will tell you what percentage of your Networth is comprised of which troops. It's impossible to say what a 'good amount' is based on your Networth, because the amount of food/land/cash you have greatly affects that 100 mil mark, and it also depends on what you're trying to achieve.

Are you indying or leadering? Are you trying to hold land? Why 100 mil net?

Playing as indy, the troops you have/make will change depending on your circumstances. For example, rats eat a lot of food, so it's better (at least early on) to make mostly stoats/skiffs. As a leader player, defense is pretty unimportant, and most will have little or no troops.

If you're playing neither of those strats, and are using Markets for cash, how many troops you can produce is dependant more on how you use your troops and the amount of land you can take, rather than the amount of Networth you've found yourself capped at.

If you want some help that's a little more specific, PM me your Main Menu, Army Status, and Structures page.
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Alazar is Back

I added you to my Msn. Feel free to ask any questions. If you want I can teach you specific strats or just give you some advice, but feel free to take advantage of my kindness.
Turbo Highest Rank:Co-Emperor with Wolf Snare, Emperor

One of the most underrated players at RWL..


i think i'm using PA's indy strat that blood wake gave me


Try Marell's Indy strat, and use Peace Alliance's Rat Strat tips as well.

Indying is very difficult on Turbo right now, so it's easy to become frustrated with it!
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