My own in depth study of the 1337 religion

Started by Firetooth, July 17, 2009, 11:22:30 AM

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For years now, noobs have worshipped one soul god-1337, or sometimes, 7331. This is the word "leet" (who knows what it is meant to mean) in a noobed-up form of hacker speak.

So, why did they pick 1337?

Nobody knows, but they make churches for it in forum threads and use their avatars and signatures to create altars and shrines. They violently try to convert others to follow the 1337, saying things such as "0mg u/n00b-..s.l0ll0l0l0l0l 1337 wi11 pr3v4i1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!1111111111111111111111111111111111111oooneoenoen oeneoenoeneno LOL"

All we know is they (rather stupidly) have complete and utter devotion in 1337.

What proof do they have of 1337's power/s/?

Noobs are, as always, ignorant idiots, without reason. Thus they have no proof, and if you asked you would probably recieve a page full of abusie in Noobish, to some extent, glorifying 1337.
1337 has no power, so do not fear, you will not slowly wither away and die for challenging it's "4u7hori74h!"

What can we do to stop these idiotic ramblings?

As of yet, there is no way to stop this. As with all things, noobs will refuse to listen to any sort of logic or reason, especially regarding their god. So, that's one option out of it. Locking all threads and deleting all posts referring to 1337 will result in an uprising of noobs, meaning you will have to ban at least half of your forum to stop these riots. Insulting 1337 will anger noobs and end up in them trying to insult you back. So, as of yet, the only option is to ignore the noob worshipers and leave them to go about this pathetic worship.
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.