Peace with the song, bros, but read this story and give comments plz

Started by Daryn, June 29, 2009, 08:02:11 PM

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on under bleach and ulquiorra and grimmjow

by khare (my pen name)

Chapter One

How long had he been here?
The vasto lorde pondered as he stood at the top of a rocky outcropping in Hueco Mundo. He was the most powerful, one of the few and rare hollow lords.
Black wings folded against his broad back. His mask was like a horned helmet, with eye slits and two tear like lines from his emerald green eyes, giving him a depressing air. A whip-like tail lashed the air as the vasto lorde pondered.
He turned around to see a thin silver haired man strode toward him. His eyes were slits and a grin was plastered across his face.
"Who are you?" the vasto lorde growled in a melancholic monotone.
"There's no need o' that now," the man said through his grin, almost backing away at the wave of reiatsu released with the sound. He talked with a polite but indirect drawl. "I've come to you with an offer."
"Speak," the vasto lorde rumbled.
"Well my master, Aizen-sama has something that can make you stronger," the man explained. "Let's say that you might be interested."
"Ridiculous," he replied. "Nothing is stronger than vasto lorde."
"Well, let's say there is," the man grinned. "By the way, my name is Gin...Gin Ichimaru."
"What have I got to offer to you for this power?" the vasto lorde asked perplexed.
"Loyalty," Gin replied. "Just loyalty."
The vasto lorde turned his head at Gin.
"What's ya name?" Gin grinned that sadistic parody of a smile.
"Ulquiorra Cifer."

Ukiryuu woke up sweating profusely. What was that dream he keeps on having? Of him as some demon and a silver haired man? He shook his head, muddled with the thoughts about the dream that clogged the workings of his mind.
The tall raven-haired youth crawled out of bed. He had piercing emerald green eyes, and a face that rarely expressed any emotions. His hair was messy and the dark of a moon-less night. This was Ukiryuu.
"Come on Uki, you're going to be late and so am I!"
Today was the first day of his new school. Ukiryuu dreaded this day.
Ukiryuu scrambled downstairs to see his blue haired, icy eyed hotheaded twin brother, Ginjo.
"I'm coming, Ginjo," he yawned as he grabbed his backpack and an energy bar. As he went out the door following his considerably taller hot headed sibling, Ukiryuu took a bottle of water with him.
Ginjo and Ukiryuu were polar opposites. One of them was arrogant and the other mostly modest. One of them was tactical and the other would just charge head-on into the situation at hand. One was calm and the other was violent. It was strange that they were twins, even thought they were as different as night and day.
They boarded the bus, two newcomers. Ginjo and Ukiryuu sat together with their new school items such as binders, back packs, notebooks, loose-leaf paper, and pencil case.
Suddenly, a tall hulking youth strode up to them. "Hey, you're taking my seat!"
The boy was tall, with long black hair, slitted eyes, and a grin on his face.
Ukiryuu had a feeling that he had met this person before, yet he had never seen him before.
"Hey, we got here, first!" Ginjo growled dangerously. "So skedaddle out before I give you something to think about." He began cracking his knuckles.
The thin boy glared at Ukiryuu and Ginjo, and silently left, fuming.
"Heh," a girl went up to Ginjo. She had green hair and gray round eyes. "You fended off Nate easily. I'm surprised."
Ginjo grinned. "Well, I've gotten through a lot of bullies in my time. I guessed whoever that queer can't take his own poo when it's coming back at him."
"My name is Nell," the girl said. "You must be new. I have never seen anyone with blue hair."
"Ginjo. And this is my brother Ukiryuu."
When it came to girls, Ukiryuu thought as he had feelings that he had met this person before, you can count on Ginjo trying to impress them.
"May I sit here?" Nell asked.
"Sure," Ginjo replied.
"So where are you from?"
"We came from Japan. My parents are archaeologist, and they left us in the care of my aunt in America," Ukiryuu muttered.
"They shoulda took us on their little trip thought," Ginjo growled. "School is soooo boring!"
The bus suddenly lurched and began driving.
"These buses are really slow," Ginjo commented non-chalantly.
"This bus is faster than the regular ones," Nell told him. "The other ones are a lot slower."
"Ridiculous," Ukiryuu growled. "These buses are slow...It's a wonder that you Americans actually get to school on time."
"Sheesh, Uki, you don't have to be this negative..." Ginjo muttered fiercely.
"Seems like someone likes Nell," Ukiryuu retorted.
Nell blushed and Ginjo silently fumed next to him.
"Ohh, Ginjo," Nell squeaked. "Your hair is such a pretty color!"
"Yeah," Ginjo replied.
"Did you dye it?" Nell fired. "It looks like the ocean when it is calm! Like the Bahamas! You've been there, have you?"
"Ridiculous," Ukiryuu grumbled as he nibbled on his power bar. "We have never set foot on American soil before we came here 2 weeks ago."
"Aww," Nell muttered. "That's too bad! Ukiryuu-kun! That's what you call a boy in Japan right?"
"Yup!" Ginjo smiled, flashing his too-white teeth. "You can call me Ginjo-kun!"
"Uki-kun!" Nell chortled. "Is it all right if I call you that? Why do you look so gloomy anyways?"
"He's depressing, ain't he?" Ginjo grinned.
Ukiryuu was silent on that matter.
"Maybe it's your parents are always away isn't it?" Nell pondered. "Or maybe 'cuz you moved to the good ole US of A? Ginjo, can I call you Gin-kun?"
"Sure," Ginjo grinned again.
"Trying to impress the ladies now aren't you?" Ukiryuu grumbled.
"Aww, stop being such an old fart," Ginjo growled.
The bus grumbled down the driveway and settled down onto the asphalt of the school parking lot. The students stepped off, some yawning, some talking, and some thinking.
"Ohhh, Ginjo-kun, what homeroom are you in?" Nell grinned.
"Umm," Ginjo scanned the schedule that he received like Ukiryuu in the mail a week ago. "Says 134?"
"Awww," Nell groaned. "That's not my homeroom. Ukiryuu, what about your homeroom?"
Ukiryuu scanned the page with his emerald eyes, "Says 215."
"Yay!" Nell hugged Ukiryuu in a crushing hug while Ginjo glared at him. "We got the same room! Our teacher is Mr. Arzon. You'll like him 'cuz he's really nice! And then we have Ms. Runner...that's our math teacher..."
She does talk a lot... Ukiryuu thought as his normally expressionless face flooded with red. And ask questions. Are all Americans like this?
Nell hauled Ukiryuu into the class room. The other students stared at them.
"Hi everybody!" Nell announced. "This is the new student from Japan! Uki-kun!"
Ukiryuu had never felt so embarrassed in his whole life, except maybe the time when he was caught trying to steal some mochi for Ginjo.
Suddenly, he caught the flash of light brown hair. Ukiryuu recognized her, like before, but could not place where he had met her...

He felt pain from his wings, burning pain that simmered to a dull ache.
In front of him, the girl, Orihime stood, as his ashes were blown away with the Hueco Mundo wind.
"Are you afraid of me? Woman?" he says.
"I'm not scared," she replies.
"I see..."
He felt more of his body dissolve to ashes. Final thoughts raced through his mind. He reached his hand out to touch hers.
"What is that? What would I see if I cracked open your chest? If I broke open your skull what would I see inside? You humans say the word so easily. Just like—"
Then, they touched for that brief moment. A flood of emotions flowed through what was left of his body. Finally he understood what had been nagging him for centuries...
"Oh I get it. This is it. This here in my hand. The Heart."
He felt silent invisible tears run down the tear-like markings on his pale face. He was gone.

Then, blackness.

Chapter Two

Ukiryuu woke up groaning. He had the biggest head ache ever in his entire sixteen year-old lifetime.
Ginjo was right next to him.
"Eh, so fainting in class is one of your new hobbies, ain't it?" he growled.
"Shut up," Ukiryuu answered back sharply, rubbing his tender head.
"Anyway, why did you faint?" Ginjo asked. He scratched his electric blue hair thoughfully.
"I don't know..." Ukiryuu muttered. He was just as perplexed as everyone else of the reason why he had fainted so suddenly in class. Then, he remembered the light brown haired girl.
"Well you just ruined my reputation at this school with your sissy swoon," Ginjo hissed angrily. He crossed his arms across his chest.
"Shut up," Ukiryuu repeated. He massaged his temples. "I think I might know why..."
"Then spit it out already, bro!" his brother replied icily. "The sooner we get you fixed, the less you'll swoon."
"That girl..." Ukiryuu began.
Suddenly, the door bursted open.
"Uki-kun! Gin-kun!" Nell wrapped her arms around both of the siblings. "I brought some munchies!"
"You mean that girl?" Ginjo whispered into Ukiryuu's ear.
"No!" Ukiryuu replied.
"What are munchies?" the tall blue haired youth asked.
"What?!" Nell shrieked as Ukiryuu winced. "You don't know what munchies are? They're junk food! Comfort food! Things that you can eat! Basically any type of food..."
"Oh," both siblings chirped.
Nell took out bags of food from the tote bag dangling from her shoulder. Potato chips of all flavors, chocolate bars, and even three cups of instant ramen tumbled out.
"Ramen...yummy!" Ginjo grinned as he snatched the ramen.
"Sorry about bursting in here," Nell apologized. "I decided to visit you, Uki-kun. So, how was it fainting? Did it hurt?"
"Afterwards it did, though, but not while having it," Ukiryuu scratched his head thoughtfully and replied. "Why are you asking me this?"
"Three more minutes!" Ginjo announced as he rubbed his hand gleefully for the ramen to cook.
   Nell planted herself onto Ukiryuu's bed. Her long green hair flowed down her lithe back.
"So, when are you going back to school?" Nell asked again as she munched on some chips.
"I can return tomorrow, according to the doctor," Ukiryuu answered. Nell was kind of annoying...
This was followed by 40 seconds of unbroken munching of Lays' potato chips.
"Two more minutes!"
The only sound from then was the hissing of the steam from the ramen, and the munching of chips.
"One more minute!"
Ukiryuu buried his head into his hands as he massaged his temples. Oh how he wished he could return to Japan...
"It's ready!"
There was a crashing sound from the floor under Ukiryuu's room.
"Was that the ramen?" Nell asked.
"Ginjo," Ukiryuu said solemnly, "did you fart?"
"Shut up!" Ginjo growled. "I did not fart'n'that was not the ramen!"
Ukiryuu stepped out of bed to investigate. He opened the door and...
...The thing that stared back him was a monstrosity. It was huge, and had what looked like a bone covering its face. The foul breath blasted from its mouth was fetid, like rotten flesh that had been decaying for several days outside a refrigerator, or something someone didn't flush down the toilet. The thing's talons were sharp and hooked, with black tips the color of the deepest night that gleamed the brightest day. Sharp teeth stuck out of the jagged slash of a mouth.
The thing reached out its claws and swatted Ukiryuu aside.

Ginjo gaped in horror as he saw his brother fall before that...thing. Nell screamed with horror in the classic horror movie lady screams. The thing moved for them.
The blue haired teen moved in front of the beast to protect Nell but he was swatted aside like a fly. His unconscious body landed next to Ukiryuu's.
Before the thing was Nell.

The hollow grinned. Three reiatsu soaked souls ready for the taking. The girl seemed to be radiating the most reiatsu, so he made for her first. He opened his gaping mouth as he prepared to eat her...

Darkness was everywhere, swirling, a black abyss...
Ukiryuu felt he was suspended in space, even though he had never experienced it. This is was probably what it felt like.
A shadow loomed behind him. He discerned the outline of wings. As he turned, he saw a massive black form with green eyes not unlike his.
"Do you want power?" the shadow boomed in a voice that seemed like a mature version of his own. He didn't hear...but he knew what it was talking about.
"What is that thing?" Ukiryuu asked, but he wasn't actually talking...Talk about telekinesis.
"Do you want power to save yourself from the hollow?" the shadow repeated, with a few extra words that answered his question.
So that is what it's called...a hollow...
"I guess so..."
Then once again, blackness for the second time in 24 hours.

Ginjo was, like his brother suspended in a similar darkness.
"What the hell?" he growled. He was so not having one of those sissy faints like his brother! Hopefully he wakes up.
A silvery shape illuminated the darkness. Ginjo peered at the shape until he took it's feline form as a panther.
"Do you want to save yourself?" the shape mewed.
"Save myself? From that thing?" Ginjo asked.
"Yeah, what else would you want to save yourself from?" the panther growled, abandoning all politeness and clearly annoyed. "Oh, hurry the hell up already, before you get killed!"
"Well, sure...saving my skin, eh?"
Then, he blacked out.
In the moments before that happened, the thoughts that sped through his mind were, "Oh...I'm beating Ukiryuu on the fainting record..."

Nell screamed as the thing went toward her. It was like the stuff that her night mares were made up of, like clowns. Except that this was a sadistic parody of one even sicker than the people sporting grease painted faces, cheesy smiles, pranks, and suits that tried to be funny, but instead was an epic fail.
The thing moved for her, but then it whipped around.

Ukiryuu was sporting a sword, and apparently, it had a green handle and had an eye like marking on its hilt. The blade emitted with a healthy green light while the actual steel was black. It was a katana, as he had read in those history books. How he was holding it, he did not know, and it surprised him he was even holding a katana.
To his right, he saw his brother looking equally confused with a glowing blue katana.
"Ukiryuu," Ginjo growled. "You better have an explanation for this!"
"Apparently," Ukiryuu coughed, "I don't."
The hollow snarled with anger and leapt for the twins.
Accepting his natural instinct, Ukiryuu swung his weapon.
Feeling something deep down drive him, Ginjo lashed out with the katana.

The hollow was surprised to see the two humans with zanpakutous. How did two humans end up with zanpakutous he did not know, but they were a threat, and threats were to be eliminated. He lunged at the humans.
Unexpectedly, it was met with a wave of green as well as blue spiritual energy. The green spiritual energy tore a hole through its chest while the blue one lacerated his sides. He screeched with pain.
How dare these puny humans retaliate against him?! The hollow had escaped a hundred years of shinigami just to be brought down by two pathetic humans? He roared in rage and agony as his green blood seeped from its wounds.

"Wow that is cool!" Ginjo grinned as he inspected the sword in his hand.
Ukiryuu observed the hollow thrashing about in throes of pain. He knew that the hollow was not finished. The wounds that he inflicted with his brother were not enough to kill the thing.
"Ginjo, hit it again with your claws along with me!" he snapped.
They prepared to launch their attack, but a yell stopped them short.

Renji Aburai, 6th company captain watched the fray with interest. Two humans had successfully used zanpakutous against Piketooth the hollow, who was named after his huge sharp teeth. They had managed to even near-fatal wound the hollow which had taken the lives of over two score shinigamis. How they had gotten it, he was perplexed about it. The captain knew that even though the two possessed strong spiritual power, he believed they were not enough to kill Piketooth. Renji decided to step into the fight.
"Ho, Piketooth!" he yelled.
The startled hollow and teens looked up at the shinigami.
Renji believed he cut a handsome figure, with his red hair swept back, and his black robe fluttering in the wind, accented by the white hakama bearing his company number.
Piketooth snarled at him. The wounded hollow attempted to attack the captain but he was stopped by the attack of Ukiryuu and Ginjo. Piketooth was torn to pieces by the steel-like intensity of the two weapons. Inside his mind, he was angry because he was proven wrong.
"Nice," Renji grinned. "May I ask how two humans like you possess Zanpakutous?"
"Zanpakutous?" Ukiryuu echoed thoughtfully. The conclusion dawned on him. "You mean this?" He gestured to his katana and Ginjo's.
"Yup," Renji answered. "They are the manifestations of your souls."
"Cool..." Ginjo said.
"You two are coming with me, I'm afraid," Renji ordered. "How to deal with humans with zanpakutous are beyond my office."
"What?" Ginjo cried. He glared at the red haired captain. "Are you a pedophile? A gay molester? I ain't going with you!"
Renji grabbed Ginjo. "Shut up, big mouth. You are and that's final!"
Ginjo glowered daggers of anger at Renji. "You don't tell me what to do, pedophile!"
Ukiryuu backed away slowly from Renji.
"I'm not a pedophile, you idiot," Renji roared. He grabbed Ginjo and Ukiryuu and popped out a bunny headed candy dispenser. He took out two balls and handed them to the teens.
"Eat it!" Renji commanded.
"It's poisonous!" Ginjo exclaimed. "Don't do it!"
Renji felt his patience run out. He grabbed Ginjo and shoved it into his mouth. Ginjo's soul floated out while his body stood up.
"Hey," Ginjo commented as he inspected his inert physical body. "I never knew I was so handsome."
Seeing the rough treatment given to Ginjo, Ukiryuu immediately ate the candy. His soul popped out of his body.
"The soul candy will serve as you until you come back," Renji explained. "They are artificial souls."
"Where are you taking us, pedophile?" Ginjo whined angrily. "I demand to know!"
"Shut up!" Renji growled dangerously. He dragged them out of the hospital and out into the night.
They stopped at an abandoned warehouse.
"You're staying here!" the captain ordered.

Captain General Yamamoto listened to Renji's report of the two humans with zanpakutous.
"That is strange indeed," the old man stroked his long weird beard thing. "This is even stranger than Ichigo's case. Humans with zanpakutous..."
"They have high spiritual pressure," Renji reported. "Above average. One of them looks like the cuarta espada. The other looks like sexta. Apparently, they're brothers."
"What are their names?" Yamamoto asked. "
"Ukiryuu and Ginjo Kurosaki."
"How did I guess?"

Chapter three:

Ginjo was floating around in the warehouse aimlessly. "I never knew I can fly."
"Apparently, you can..." Ukiryuu yawned. "When's the pedophile coming back?"
Ginjo shrugged and at that exact time, the red-haired captain flew back into the warehouse. "Don't call me pedophile," he growled. "'Kay, now we got that matter cleared up... You two! Come with me!


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