Land Farm and Leader Converting?

Started by krazilec, February 28, 2009, 07:25:06 AM

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Here are two ideas for turbo, although they probably could be applied to regular too.
Both of these posts are in the turbo discussion, but I think it would make more sense if I posted them here

Land Farm:
What it does:
Could we have land farm gain like, 500 turns per hour and use them only to scout?
at about 4 land per turn, it'd throw in another 2k land per hour.  we could then make a ratio to how many players there are in game.
say there are 40 players.  there are 9 players over 100mil net, leaving 31 under 100 mil net.  of those, another 12 are between 100-50mil net.
the other 19 are under 50 mil net.
*players in protection do not count*
each player under 50mil counts as one, and each player between 50-100 mil counts as .5
you would end up with 19(1)+ 12(.5) or 25.
Land farm would continue to scout until it reached exactly 25k land.
What do you think of this?
and should this topic be moved?

How LandFarm knows when to stop
Going back to the players under 100mil net, we know there are 31 of which 19 are below 50mil and 12 of which are between 50-100 mil.  Since most players between 50-100mil have more land than those below 50 mil, lets set-up a 5:3 ratio (about 25k land to 15k land is what I approximated)  Each 1 in the ratio stands for 5k of land
117*5k is  585k land.  This becomes the base minimum of land necessary in-game.  Land farm will scout for more land if the land total for players under 100mil net is 585k.
For players between 50-100 mil, their run generally needs 35-50k land.  I approximated 40k max, or a number of 8.
For players under 50mil net, they generally get 25-30k land.  I went with 25k or a number of 5.
19(5)+12(8)= 191
191*5k is 955k land.  (called max)  Considering that at most, only 2 or 3 people could run of those under 100mil net, land farm will take the max-min (955-585)k land or 5(191-117) and multiple that by 10-30% depending on game activity and round speed.  For turbo right now, let's put it at 20%.
The difference between max and min is 370k land.  Multiplied by the modifier of 20%, we get 74k land.  Land farm adds that to the minimum, and we get our new and more realistic max of 191k land.  Once the total land for players under 100mil net goes over 191k, land farm stops scouting.

Leader converting:
(Just like pressgang but for leaders ^^)

Would the ability to change leaders into troop types inbalance the game?
You would cast a spell like pressgang and get some portion of your leaders converted into troops (based on the percentages in army management)


converting leaders would be about as useless as press gang currently is
why sacrifice ratio to get a few troops? I could a small benefit if you got hit really low on land and were going to lose leaders anyways, but the turns necessary to cast would cause them to leave anyways, so the benefit would be minimal at best.
better off using those leaders to make cash, then buying the troops

as far as the land farm goes, again I don't play turbo, but reg really does not need more free land.
learn to make better use of the land that's there
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


If it were balanced right it could be a really good hybrid strat - obviously you would need to get more than 1 troop per leader converted, but the switch could be fast.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..