Glaring errors: preparing for code release

Started by The Lady Shael, August 26, 2008, 01:30:00 AM

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The Lady Shael

It's really about time I get done with this. The only thing I wanted to do before releasing was fix any of the major gameplay/output bugs and errors in the code.

These are the ones I know of:

-extra slash at top of page and info page for empires with apostrophes (let me know on what other pages this is happening)
-something with city output messages (probably need more clarification on this)
-aid bug? I have no idea. I'm not sure what the precise rules are for aid so they might not be labelled as bugs

Is there anything at all anyone can think of? Besides the attack system, unfortunately that won't be fixed by this first release.

If there aren't many bugs, expect the release to be within a week.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Fix the "max" buttons all around. One of the facets of being unable to sell all is you have rounding setup incorrectly. The simple fix is to subtract one and count it as full--1 soldier maximum missing from a max-amount is hardly something to shed a tear about. The other fix I see is a check--that if a player uses Max, and it returns initially as too many, to have a second check subtract 1 from the number and resubmit that, then merge reports. Or do a check so that if you are sending away max, to include both at the same time in the sale--and have the error message for one not show, only when both agree that there is no way to sell such an amount.

For your city errors--these are what need to be checked.

1) Recent News (opening page list) for success/failure of attacks being read correctly. Before we had times where only a failing Take would make the list--and successes would disappear.
2) Warlord Info listings of the above, readout should be fixed to ensure it's "Take City: Success/Fail" and not "Move South: Success/1000 Acres".
3) Ensure it shows up on the recent attacks search pages for attacker and defender

Fix aid, so that first-aid sent is adhering properly to the 20% rule, instead of the 50% glitch. Furthermore, that refresh will continue to send 20% aid (instead of bugged where it continues to send 50%).