To see if its fair...

Started by David, August 17, 2008, 01:33:52 PM

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Should Shael code up somewhere so leaderers can store their money and food?

4 (33.3%)
8 (66.7%)

Total Members Voted: 11


Okay, this has been brought up a lot apparently. But okay, I think it'd be fair if Shael coded up a place *like I think FAF does... It might not be FAF but I know a promi game has it*, where Leaderers can store their food and money. Indyers have the market, and they store their troops there, but leaderers don't have anything to store it in.

The leaderer can put his money/food in, and when he wants to take it out again it'd be a 20% penalty just the same as the market.

So, what I'm asking, do you think Shael should put in a place where the Leader Runners can store their money and food?


I don't think the code should be changed every time some player can't win with his strat

If you're having troubles, adjust your strat, don't expect the code to be rewritten to suit a strat that isn't working

if you have troubles holding on to your cash and food, get a better ratio and buy some troops
Victory without honour, is more shameful then defeat.


That's not the point I'm making.

Indyers have a place to store their networth, so Leaderers should be able to have a place as well without spending it on troops.


cash has very little net value and food can be stored on the market so end of
founder of eire

first emp on the new server


Cash is able to be stored in Cluny's Hut in the bank account portion which obtains an interest rate that is well over current real-life rates for a savings account, lol.

(How the bank worker comes out in me when I look at such things, haha)

And once again for food its able to be stored on the market as well.
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For the record: Over at FAF we have a system called reserves where you can store troops at reduced maintenance costs and without the risks of loosing them. We have also gone to great lengths to prevent market storing (90% withdraw penalty). No such system for leaders, ruins or food. 
AKA, Nevadacow
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Another point that I'm surprised no one has made yet:

Leaders are already over-powered. Why increase that power?


Quote from: taekwondokid42 on August 18, 2008, 04:16:08 PM
Another point that I'm surprised no one has made yet:

Leaders are already over-powered. Why increase that power?
I totally agree Indy's perm lack the ability to emp on any leader rounds we should be improving indies, not making it harder for 'em!
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Quote from: Scarwake on August 17, 2008, 08:39:10 PM
Cash is able to be stored in Cluny's Hut in the bank account portion which obtains an interest rate that is well over current real-life rates for a savings account, lol.

(How the bank worker comes out in me when I look at such things, haha)

And once again for food its able to be stored on the market as well.

On that TJ, I would love the amount deposited not to be reduced to coincide with max deposit after a Net drop. Say you make a deposit of 3 bil, your Net drops after beng slammed, and all of a sudden, you can only take out 1 bil when you need it most, the rest just eaten by the system.

I will not deleted this

The Lady Shael

I think an easy fix to that would be instead of that money disappearing, just have it automatically added to your cash out. That way you don't have more than the max in the bank and you still have the cash. Everybody's happy. =p
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


That would be cool - I'd actually use Clluny's hut if it worked like that.
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


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