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Started by TR Shadow, March 12, 2003, 08:02:27 PM

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 What's a Wuffenfrufen? Bis tu Po Kopf? Tu kaba gross po.

Quote from: RazorClawWhat's a Wuffenfrufen? Bis tu Po Kopf? Tu kaba gross po.
Wustenratten means gerbils. So the sentence means 'I have two gerbils.'
Po means bottom, Kopf means head, gross means big, the other words don't mean anything...
I'm sure I put in two the first time...


 Actually, that means "I have two gerbils". Here, look:


1-10. And what I meant to say was: "Are you a butthead? You have a BIG butt." Actually, It should have been "Bis Du" at the beginning, but I haven't studied it for a while. Also, inform everyone what a Plumenkafen is while I run away from Bloodrath.


 Hehe, most Canadians I meet online are idiots. No offense to half of RWL, who ARE Canadian, but some other people. They say they're not part of America! Ask them what continent they live on. *sigh*

And they never captialize! *shudder*


 Yeah, but if you go to the smaller towns then the people are really nice. In Edmondton though *shudders*


 Have you ever gone to Toronto now thats one clean city!  Theres not any trash on the ground at all probaly because they pay the U.S. to take their trash.
Leader of Vermin Raiders

Also has been called a insane chipmunk.

 Go to Homestarrunner Its a cool site.
StrongBad rules!


 Yeah, and Calgary's OK. I like Drumheller myself, sweet museum.

The Lady Shael

 Oo, I've been there! *waves her dino plushie* That was a cool place...I was just in Calgary over winter break, but the previous summer we'd already gone to all the places you can really see around Drumheller, Banff, the Olympic Ski park thing, the Tower, and Panorama! That is a /really/ cool place, but we were there during the summer, and they were doing construction work on almost EVERYTHING, so the only thing me and my cousins could do was play pool the whole weekend. It was pretty fun, actually...^_^
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


 When I went there, I got to go on a dino dig, I thinkl it was an Albertasaurus. Well, anyway, I got to help dig it, and it was a full skeleton! Banff (pronounced Banf-f :D ) has a stinky hockey camp, but it's still cool. Calgary has the zoo, and I hear it's pretty sweet.


 Edmonton is okay since my aunt,uncle, and cousins live there.  Calgary's Calaway Park is pretty good and so is its zoo. Drumheller is cool, dinoville! and Canadiens is the french version of Canadians I am pretty sure.


 Anyway, this entire topic is spam. So here's a poem I wrote (no offense to anybody meant):

                                                      Men From Manhattan

         Creeping out of a glowing ship,
         Leaping onto a newspaper clip,
         As dumb as a doornail,
         As thin as a stork,
         Alas I refer to the men from New York!

         As they crawl into the eerie fray,
         Into dirty streets with dark and decay,
         A building or two, they just might flatten,
         Alas I refer to the Men from Manhattan!

         It?s time to counter,
         It?s time to fight back,
         It looks like we?re need to attack!
         Gather the tanks, and the armored Jeeps,
         Gather the soldiers, from Jackson to Meeps.

         So we went to New York,
         To make the brutes scream,
                                               Only to find,
         All they wanted was cream!
         So before going out with Troops, or Guns,
                                                Make sure you aren?t battling 500 Nuns!