Return of Delor

Started by The Lady Shael, June 04, 2008, 03:20:29 PM

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The Lady Shael

It was a hot summer afternoon. A breeze played upon the branches of the trees surrounding a large stone fortress in Southsward. This fortress was once known as Castle Floret, home to the Foxwolf Urgan Nagru and his followers, but now it was the Warlords Headquarters.

On the window of one of the highest turrets, a creature could vaguely see billowing purple curtains. Those who belonged to the Headquarters knew that this was the chambers of the Lady Shael Varonne, a former princess of the Southern Islands. But today her chambers were empty.

Today, she was back in Mossflower.


"Milady, we've just raised the defenses around our borders for the next 12 hours. Is there anythin' else?" a female ferret inquired.

Shael was sitting in her tent, maps and strategic diagrams of all sizes spread out in a table in front of her. Her brow was furrowed in concentration. Her eyes flicked around the map, and landed on a red X which marked the position of a nearby horde. Her eyes narrowed and she spoke.

"Better add an extra 3 hours to that, Rayla."

Rayla nodded and signaled to a female rat to carry out the orders.

Shael sat back, closed her eyes and sighed. She had imagined that coming back to all this would feel so much more familiar. Instead, it felt like she had never done this at all.

Her second-in-command Rayla seemed to know what she was thinking and smiled. "It'll come back to ye soon enough, Milady. It's been many a season since those days."

The weasel sat up. "I know, Rayla. I've just been out of practice. Thank goodness everyone has been so willing to help me."

"Ah! That reminds me," her second-in-command hastily pulled out a scroll, "ye've just received some aid from Feathertooth's horde. And, when you get the chance, Peace Alliance wants to know if you accept the diplomat position for Abbey."

Shael's eyes lit up. Aid! "Tell Peace I accept, and have the aid crew move everything into the tents, and suit up the new recruits, if there are any." "Yes Milady." And Rayla left the tent.

The young weasel got up to leave the tent herself, and her eyes fell upon a faded and tarnished crown sitting on a small purple pillow in a glass case in the corner of her tent. It was the only tangible proof left that she once sat on the throne of Mossflower, as it's first Empress.

Stopping herself from being lost in the memories of those days, her eyes absent-mindedly wandered to the diagrams on her table. The one in the middle was a map with a blue square in the center, surrounded by red X's closing in.

She smiled viciously. Time to grab some land.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.


Sir, this is the best I could collect on the surrounding warlords.

Taek surveyed the maps. Then something caught his eye. An old friend of his was back on the map. He thought quietly to himself. Would she be an ally? A threat? Would she need help? Would she want help?

He knew that only time would tell, and until the answers were more certain, keeping her as a friend would be the best policy.

"Gnoff, hand me the report on warlord #10"

"Right away sir!" Gnoff handed taek the espy of Daughters of Delor. Surveying the results, he could not see what she was trying to do. Unsure of how to help his friend, he carried on as usual.

Ashyra Nightwing

OOC: AWESOME. I haven't done this in a while.

Lady Nightwing stared at the piece of paper, an exaggerated expression of horror on her face. (Something like this, in fact: D:)

The messenger hovered uncertainly nearby, wringing his hands. The wildcat turned to face the assembled generals, all apparently in various stages of seasickness.

"So I hear that the Lady Sha--"

The boat lurched suddenly to the left, and there was a collective groan from the green-faced generals and the odd retch from the back of the room.

Ashyra Nightwing closed her eyes and tried to dispel the growing nausea. It had been a long time for everyone. She'd watched her floating empire burn once before, she'd settled down in a small cottage... well, it had been a castle, actually, but it was in Mossflower. She'd thought her fighting days had been over.
Two years of crushing boredom, it had been.

And now she was back, and feeling considerably older and worse for wear.

"Let's try to summarise this quickly. The Lady Shael's back. You know what to do. And sort yourselves out, you pathetic creatures! They say there's a bigger storm on the horizon. They say there's an army camped on the shore, preparing to make off with our provisions. Sort it out by the end of the week, or you're out. I mean it."

Ashyra turned around and hurried out the door, into the driving rain, leaving behind the dull murmur of the seasick generals muttering uneasily to one another.

There was only room for one Empress, of course.

OOC: Sorry, Shael. :D


ooc: You got aid from feathertooth? lol. Everyone might have to bear with my addition. It's weird. :P

  Firetooth looked around, sweating. He had no idea what was going on. He seemed confused in his new empire seemingly in the middle of no-where. He had no army except for his faithful leaders. Each carried a sack full of food. Suddenly, A scraggy-looking weasel officer ran up to him, clothes torn and bleeding, dirt all over his ragged body. He feel at his feets, and screamed "We've got enemies attacking the walls for land! Are small defence force is getting obliterated! Fie my lord, fie!" he tried to splutter something else, but keeled over and died.
  "Alright everybody!" Firetooth yelled "Grab as many food sacks as you can! Send leaders to the walls and poor boling wall over! That should slow down their progress whilst we can wait for captain Scrat the fox to come back with our army!"


  Scratt was a well-built fox. Wise and cunning, he wore a long green cloak which under he concealed severel weapons, however, curenntly Scratt and his army were drunk. One rat was so drunk, they thought a muscular stoat was a feminine rat. The results were lots of shed blood and a rat carcass overboard.
  They all sang merrily after their sucsessful attack on riddick. They'd smashed through the walls and took roughly thirty-thousand acres of land. General Scratt had commanded to build huts on all of the land.
  As they prepared to make a turn, a violent wind hit the ship, as it struggled along, above their was a weird, eerie noise. Scragg screamed "ROW FOR YOUR LIVES!" they rowed and rowed, but the noise was coming nearer. Suddenly, Scragg screamed and fell over for no apparent reason and started to choke. His face turned purple. None of the rest of the crew seemed to see what was happening. Only scragg could see his assailant, a hidious stoat skeleton cloaked in a black robe. It made a horrible noise which forced all the crew to fall over and clutch their ears. One by one the apparaition strangled them to death. The army was defenceless. Then, as quickly as the hideous monster had appeared, it dissapeared, singing a dark tune and leaving death in it's wake.

Of course this doesn't really add much to the rp. Just tragic about that rat that was drunk and...wait, did I forget to read the rest of my writing? xD
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


Meanwhile, far to the East...

"Lord Redtail, may I remind you of the past dishonors committed in lands? They have showed no respect to..." A stoat began.
"So I am perfectly aware, My Lord. All I request is a pair of ships and a battalion of my finest troops. You needn't be any further involved than to give your permission." the Weasel Lord answered.
"Very well... You may take the Mustela Ferrous and Equus Ferrous and a battalion of your troops to Mossflower... Just don't think you can change anything."
"I might not have to... My Lord. Thank you. My troops shall embark at once." Redtail replied, before saluting. The Stoat returned the salute, and Redtail marched to the door.

"Hail, Redtail! Avenger of our Exile!"
"Hail! Hail! Hail!..."
"Enough!" Redtail cried over the excited cheers of his troops. "We have much to do before we even leave for Mossflower.... "

The crew resumed the loading the vast amount of supplies that an army would require far away from home as Lord Redtail continued to the captain's cabin.
"Attent.." A sergeant attempted to call, but was instantly interrupted by Redtail's order, "As you were!"
Redtail paused a moment, before continuing, "Any intelligence?"

A fox replied, "Yes, M'Lord... Our sources suggest that it Lady Shael has established a force in Mossflower..."
"The prefect opportunity to strike down these dishonorable so-called 'Warlords'... Though, we will need troops and supplies on the island. Have we identified any possible landing sites where we could recruit troops and produce the supplies we will need for a continued campaign?" Lord Redtail inquired.
"We have identified a number of locations in the Northlands that would be prefect..." the fox once again replied, starting a long discussion on where the Redtail's little fleet would land, and from there how they would systematically defeat the Lady Shael.
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

Visit today!


Feathertooth, Firetooth and Just me watched all of this in mild ammusement. They all shouted "Time to own. We killed the savage warlord alazar. the monster unprovokedly captured and hanged tens of millions of are troops and burnt millions of our skiffs. He's learnt a lesson, never mess with those which bite back harder"
They all cheered and kicked the dead warlords head around in a game of football. Firetooth scored a volley when the head splattered in mid air and went all over Just Me.

ooc: Grizzly :D Im trying to stay in touch with ingame
Quote from: Sevah on January 02, 2018, 03:51:57 PM
I'm currently in top position by a huge margin BUT I'm intentionally dropping down to the bottom.


OOC: Forgot to ask, but is this reg or turbo? If I am to join in, I'll need an account...
AKA, Nevadacow
First person to ever play RWL

"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence!"-Edsger W. Dijkstra

Visit today!

Ashyra Nightwing

Quote from: bjornredtail on June 06, 2008, 06:46:32 PM
OOC: Forgot to ask, but is this reg or turbo? If I am to join in, I'll need an account...

OOC: I'm pretty sure it's Turbo, I don't think Shael is playing Regular (unless she's in disguise...)


((OOC: Sorry for my absence >< Haven't really checked in here for a while. Is this RP based off of Turbo/Reg? If so, may I join even if I'm not in any of the two?))
"7/5th's of the world's populace do not understand fractions. 48% of all statistics are wrong"

"Because my Reality-Defining-Gun says so..."

~Faerd, Rhubarb of Randomness

The Lady Shael

OOC: Yeah, this is based off Turbo events, but sure, join in if you want. ^_^ I would've written something by now, but I've been just hang on guys.
~The Lady Shael Varonne the Benevolent of the Southern Islands, First Empress of Mossflower Country, and Commandress of the Daughters of Delor

RWLers, your wish is my long as it complies with the rules.