Clan hopping

Started by Shadow, December 03, 2007, 01:51:55 PM

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If you join a clan, you should be in it for 3 days, period. Letting someone be booted allows cowards like Shade to pull off a kill run and simply leave the clan and get away scott free. I am fed up with leader strats, and want to be able to compete with the leaderers as an indier without having to deal with kill runs only to come online and find that the person who killed me is unclanned.

There are people who will argue that taking away the leader's power to boot people in the forst three days can lead to rouble within the clan. My response to that is that leaders will have to be more selective about who they allow into the clans, which is the way it should be in the first place.

Most people seem to think that balancing the game requires new innovations. I think all the elements to making this a balanced game are already here, we just need to tweak them a little.

I think this change is another necessary one in the balance of the game. Thoughts?
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

Wolf Snare

I understand your concerns with clan hopping, but you need to stop suggesting things after you realize they will benefit you. Personally, I think clan hopping is cowardly, but strategic. Sometimes, you just don't need to be clanned for 3 days. There are plenty of reasons why this should not be implemented, and plenty why it should, but I don't support it.  Admins?
1. Fire Bringer (#22)
1. Jaturungkabart (#12)
1. Estranged (#50)
1. Fierce Deity (#17) 
1. bored... (#98)
1. Versace (#24)
1. Noah Calhoun (#10)
1. Day Old Hate (#7)
1. The Grand Optimist (#12)
1. Beast Mode (#7)


Quoteyou need to stop suggesting things after you realize they will benefit you.
I have suggested this before to other members via MSN. I did not just think this up after being killed.

I have also suggested that open atk op be affected by raised defences in other topics long before i changed from leader strats to indy. I will try to find you one. I am not the opportunist you seem to believe.
(from 2 sets ago, when I was using all leaders and before academy was nerfed)

I have no record of suggesting that clans be locked for 3 days, but Volkov or Holby might remember me saying it several days ago on MSN during a League run.

QuotePersonally, I think clan hopping is cowardly, but strategic
I agree that there is strategy to clan hopping. *points to League.* The difference there is that I have been in League for several weeks now. What I am trying to eliminate here is people being able to clan for the space of an hour whenever it suits them. This was never an intended part of the game.

I am venting frustrations in these topics. Please, admins, if this is wasting time tell me and I can stop. These are suggestions that I hope will be implemented, but I realize there have been a lot of them coming from me lately.  :P
<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..

wolf bite

I think all the elements to making this a balanced game are already here, we just need to tweak them a little.

I mostly agree with that statement. The game was just slightly uneven before and could have been tweaked then had some new things added. 
throwing out most of the old and reinventing the new brings us back to working hard to get as even as it once was. Each time a new change is added, some old strategy is erased.  This does not mean I am against change, only it should be done after the game is adjusted and in ways that don't majorily change people's strategies.

I am not in control of game innovations.  Some things like clan jumping are being talked about in the Admin tower, as will as a lot of other things. I know that I have not been responding to all the topics about how the changes, and what should be changed.  However I do have some strong opinions.

It is the members who are ultimately our bosses.  It is their moving force that helps to determine what the priorities are.  In other words. Please post about what you like and what you don't like.

Wolf Bite

Grand Master Wolf Bite
Wolf Pack =  Klowd19, Blood Wake, Sonoras, Giggles


Quote from: wolf bite on December 03, 2007, 03:07:58 PM
  This does not mean I am against change, only it should be done after the game is adjusted and in ways that don't majorily change people's strategies.
Can't argue with that. I would say that both the clan hopping change and the open atk op change would not drastically alter strategies, except making leader suicides a bit more costly. They would both actually be a step toward making defense a more integral part of RWL gameplay.

I would like to throw a personal opinion out there as well: changing strategies and forcing innovation on the part of the players is definitely a good thing in my opinion. These changes would not do too much of that, but making people think about what they are doing is a good thing. With leaders it got to the point where I could go a whole round without even looking at the numbers, I just watched color codes. I changed strats right away.

Quotethrowing out most of the old and reinventing the new brings us back to working hard to get as even as it once was.
Definitely no need to do anything drastic. I like the changes for the most part, but any changes like what happened 6? rounds ago are going to take some tweaking before they are perfect.

QuoteIt is the members who are ultimately our bosses.  It is their moving force that helps to determine what the priorities are.  In other words. Please post about what you like and what you don't like.

Hear that people? If you agree with these ideas, or have any of your own, please talk them out. Perhaps we could make an official topic for this so that I can stop cluttering up the development forum ;)

<=holbs-.. ..-holbs=> <=holbs-..


Quote from: Shadow on December 03, 2007, 01:51:55 PM
If you join a clan, you should be in it for 3 days, period. Letting someone be booted allows cowards like Shade to pull off a kill run and simply leave the clan and get away scott free. I am fed up with leader strats, and want to be able to compete with the leaderers as an indier without having to deal with kill runs only to come online and find that the person who killed me is unclanned.

There are people who will argue that taking away the leader's power to boot people in the forst three days can lead to rouble within the clan. My response to that is that leaders will have to be more selective about who they allow into the clans, which is the way it should be in the first place.

Most people seem to think that balancing the game requires new innovations. I think all the elements to making this a balanced game are already here, we just need to tweak them a little.

I think this change is another necessary one in the balance of the game. Thoughts?

I realize this is an old topic, but I figure there's no harm done and since this part of the forum isn't the most active anyway, it could always use new posts ....

I see your point here, but clan hopping can work the other way too.  In the past some of the elite players have joined together to take control of the game and become almost impossible to take down (ROME and Slayer come to mind). I remember ROME in particular, because the clan members would dish out vicious retribution against any player who dared attack any one of them. (How ROME fell was a great story in itself -- some of the members claim their accounts were hacked and tampered with so their armies could be broken, and I never figured out if that's what actually happened. But I digress.)

The point is, in scenarios like that clan hopping is one of the few advantages weaker warlords can employ to help bring down oppressive, more powerful clans.
Highest rank in Regular: #6 (August '08)

Highest rank in Turbo: #1 (July  '09) as The NKVD
Highest finish in Turbo: #4 (August '09) as The NKVD

Also played as: Roadkill Collector (June '08) Gotten Smart (July), Mr. Holmes (August), That's What She Said (September)