Menatus, please...

Started by General Austin, March 10, 2003, 08:45:03 AM

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 dan i dont need yer attitude... and ive been here for a while longer then u i just got a new name


 Your annoying me already. Don't be so arrogant. And your posts have all been spam so far that I can see. No, I dun like it.


Quote from: BloodClawdan i dont need yer attitude... and ive been here for a while longer then u i just got a new name
We don't need yours either <_<  Your posts have all been completely negative- you're going down the same path as me! :o
Your supposed time spent here doesn't mean a thing the way you're acting- smarten up a bit! <_<
I will not deleted this


Quote from: BloodClawdan i dont need yer attitude... and ive been here for a while longer then u i just got a new name
*pulls out chalkboard and annoying wire-rimmed spectacles*

Looks like it's time for yet another of Lady Cal's annoying and somewhat snotty spelling and/or punctuation lessons! Let's begin...

dan i dont need yer attitude...
'dan' should be capitalized, and followed by a comma, as it is addressing someone.
'i' should be capitalized.
'dont' should have an apostrophe interjected between the letters 'n' and 't,' indicating the fact that it is indeed a contraction.
'yer' is not a word. I believe that the word this has been interjected into the place of is 'your.'
'attitude' is spelled correctly. *applause* Good job!

and ive been here for a while longer then u
The word 'and' could be removed to improve syntactical refinement and make the entire phrase flow.
'ive' should have the 'i' capitalized, which should then be followed by an apostrophe, since it is a contraction of the words 'I' and 'have.'
'then' is incorrect diction. The word our dear friend is fishing for here is "than," a comparative word, rather than "then," a word which is indicative of time or chronology.
'u' is a letter in the alphabet. 'You' is a word. Please, please, PLEASE do not confuse the two.

i just got a new name
'i', once again, should be capitalized.
'name' should be followed by a period, since it is the ending word of something which might, in the lower realms of literature, be considered a sentence or statement.

I shall refrain from any commentary on the content of said statement, due to the fact that I'm trying to restrain myself from being downright rude and inconsiderate to newbies who should've crawled into a hole and shut their mouths for a few months before trying to act like they run the place.

*innocent look*

Abby The Rat

 ~Prods Calria~ You know, newbie sometime need to be corrected but that too long for a newbie to read so they don't read it in the end.
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 oh posh, Ad! What makes us all so sure that the newbies can read?

I seriously need to stop hating on the newbies, don't I?

Abby The Rat

 You don't have to like Newbie Cal.

Here proof that they can read..

How did a newbie knew to post that if they couldn't read?

There, is that proof?
Not around, please ignore.

Could be found on discord: []


 To all newbs, and this includes BloodClaw heavily. Read the bottom of my signature. Ad knows what I will do if that doesn't work, eh? ;)  :)  


 *chuckle* All of the newbie-hate lately has given me an idea... I would put it on here, but, for better public viewing and sheer comic value, I'll post it in a new thingy...