A message for an admin. Please repsond.

Started by Xenobi, March 05, 2003, 03:32:11 PM

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 Hi, im The Radicals of Nygrak. Josh (Tarsonis) has been a friend of mine for a year and a half, and we've always been on the same clans in Redwall. Now, were on opposite teams to see if we can take eachother on. Thats just fine but i have 2 problems.

1) My friend Chris(Mystical Penguins of Doom (#22)) was on my team. You switched him to RWL. Me and chris were gonna see if we could take down Josh because hes always been better at us at this game. I was hoping mabye you could switch him back to TSR and switch someone else over to RWL.

2) Another friend that Chris and I were going to teach to play this game (She REALLY hates josh) was The Sexy Angels.  You may have deleted her account or disabled it or something, mabye she deleted it. If you did disable it, could you please explain why?


*Edit* I just figured out why she was deleted. You guys got the teams already. darn, told her to sign up earlier. And if you cant change Chris back to TSR, I might as well quit, since none of my friends are on my team and I can't handle Josh AND Chris cuz they will both go for me.


 Honestly, I'd think that since there are a bunch of 8 and 9 year olds playing this, you'd understand why she was disabled.


 I've said it a hundred times, people with similar IPs will be in opposite clans, to prevent cheating.

It's quite obvious why she was banned - her name. By now, I've closed signups.


 BTW, quitting is a mark of IC cowardice and will be mentioned. You've got all your clansmates, don't quit!


 Doesn't the duel have their own forums for this? The admins here are not the admins at Duel, and I, for one, am unsure about you taking our message boards for your game.
The 'ittle otter,

Germania 4


Rob, chill, message the admin's email address, don't spam the forums.  Also, Rob, who cares who's team you're on? You know I only attack the people who have land ;) and that's NEVER you.

Besides, I think RWL has WAY fewer members than TSR... so cheer up...  Chris sucks, he'll make our team worse.  
One more thing - WHY would you ask Donna to join? lol...she got all angry over Danielle...:D


 Wow...I SO understood that! Heh heh...why does RWL have less members than TSR?


 1)Danielle is fat and you know it (lol j/k bro)
2)It was Zid's idea first for Donna to join
3)Never have land? i had 45k land last night on the normal server, and i could be in the top 10 if i wasnt disabled.
4) Your gonna die
5) Your gonna die
6) its exactly 16v16

General Austin

 Talk about it on pm's please. No-one but you two has any idea what you're talking about.
In God I trust, and in Him alone shall I put my faith.


 :) One more word about my sweetie and I'll cut your legs off:)
RWL sux0rs.

Badrang the Tyrant


I just murdered Josh 20+ times. Heh, I hope it hurt.  
I will not deleted this